DAT03 Historic Volumes
I am unable to get the mapping correct. Can anyone assist?
Option to export Graphs with Title and/or Labels
When exporting a graph from the New UX, the title of the card is dropped as are the labels/selectors. This is the case whether it is exported via "print chart", or PNG/SVG/JPEG. Ideally, there would be an option to include/exclude this information on the export, but at minimum to automatically include this information on…
Export Action Mapping Basis
Sorry, couldn't find a official answer to this, and I've had different interpretations on how this worked over time, but just wanted a definitive answer: For export actions that you intend to repeat, what is the "official" way that the Export action is defined, relative to the module you are exporting from? We all know…
Allow the option to not create an import as an action
The ability to select whether you want a manual data import saved as an action on the actions tab is requested. The reason being that during development and for sprint review purposes, sometimes test data or files with lists are uploaded to allow clients to visualize the end product. Every time an import is run, an action…
How to force unique constraints in a List
Hi Need a help. We are uploading the datafile into a General List. The code is supposed to be having unique values. But due to user error, we end up having duplicate values in the code column, causing issues in downstream process. Is there anyway, we can do a check for duplicates during data file upload? If not, can you…
Level 1 model building part 11: DATA 01 P&L actual & Budgeted
Hi team, while importing my CSV file of DATA 01 actual and budgeted, , mapping for the forecast is not available as shown in the attached picture. But then how come forecast is also throwing the same result as actuals, is it by default set to actual data?
Create List Item - Action
Hi Team, I'm trying to create a List item from a module through a standard Import action but the Import is using the Line Item name rather than the input data for the List Import. I feel like this is such a simple thing to do but I managed to mess it up somehow 😂 The process is: Create saved view with data from input. The…
Organize Actions after Model Building
After completing model building activities, we need to prepare the model for User Acceptance Testing, one of the requirements is "Review and organize the Actions to rename and add repeatable actions to a process and remove any single-use/one-time actions"... When I look at the actions, some imports were conducted multiple…
L1MB - Model Building - Importing data to Modules (Employee Details)
Dear APC, Can any one help me why I get to see mismatch in Employee names when the file used is same for creating the Employee List and Employee Details Module. I tried to delete the Employee list and re-created the new List and loaded employee names from csv file. Same csv file is used to load the Employee details - but…
L1 SYS08 Employee details data import target item greyed out
Hi, I'm trying to import data but the "department "is greyed out. Does anyone know why this might happen and how to fix it?
Importing into SYS08 system module
I am confused with the mapping part of the source to target as well. As is where to map Active? Employees = Code? ( Because it is numbered list) Dept Code = Department? Country Code = Country? Active? =? How to make sure data we are mapping is correct?
Anaplan Excel Add-In 3.4, Show Changes
Hi Everyone, thanks for your time. Would like to ask if anyone knows if it would be possible to update multiple modules at once across different sheets with the show changes option in the excel add-in (similar to how refresh worksheet works). Currently I am able to only do it for each sheet, am asking to see if I missed…
Rename List items
Dear Friends, I need some help from you. I want to update my list. My initial list items (12 list items), will be renamed and a new list will created with the (4 list items).
Urgent help assistance
Hi Friends, I am struck with a difficult situation. I have Module 1 and this is the Data Hub and the Date is stored in Text Format. Every quarter I need to pull the data and make it look like Module 2. Now my problem is as the Date is in Text Format, I was trying to find the current year. By converting Text to Number and…
Requesting a serious help
Hi Friends, I want to create an Action process. That will automatically import the current year data. Please assist me in this.
Time out issues with Anaplan Connect v1.4.4 console while importing LARGE files
New to Anaplan, loading large volumes of historical transactional data to support multiple models. We have a clean structure and the process "works" but virtually every import into the module has our session in the console timeout. It appears that the file has loaded successfully, but when the console times-out, I lose…
Mapping numbered lists during module to module import
Hi all, Seems like this should be a straightforward one, but I can't figure it out.. I am trying to import data from one model into another model, using numbered lists. The Source module and Target module (which are in two separate models) both have a list called 'Towns' as a dimension. This list is a numbered list, but…
Import Data into SYS06 Product Details
1) Mapping Tab: I am confused as to what to insert in the time tab as in the course structure it was clearly given whether we want to import it as an actual or forecast data. But here whether to choose fixed time or Ask each time import is run? 2) Line Item tab: How to go back and check the target items having product…
Import Pop-Up
Hi Team, A user has just started receiving a strange Pop-Up when they use Data - Import when within a Module Normally you start with the Select Source pop-up and move to the mapping items etc while this has no mapping items etc Is this due to access levels? Thanks User Upload Pop-Up Normal Upload Pop-Up
import action not grabbing latest data file
I have an import action for importing data into a module. I've created a process for this action and a button for the process published to a dashboard. When i click the button....sometimes I have to select the file to upload and sometimes I don't. The data in the flat file has changed but I don't see that reflected in the…
Filter by formula
I have a particular existing module. Now I want to create a new module which will only have the filter records. Please assist.
Delete record without saved view or filter
Hi Friends, I have a Module from which I want to delete the highlighted records. But without using filter or saved view. I can use any formula to do so. Is is possible by any chance? Kindly help me, if you had worked in a similar restriction.
Importing a csv file - Question
Hello Anaplan experts! I am very new to Anaplan and am going through the courses to get my Level 1 certification. I am sure this is a vey silly question, but figured I would ask rather than keep spinning my wheels. I have a csv that is attached. I need to Import this file into a Geo Hierarchy, but am having trouble mapping…
L1MB-Part 8: Data Import For Rev
I'm not able to import the data correctly. The mapping of the columns seem off. I'm trying to use column headers for time but it keeps picking up the first column where it says Volume (See attached). Is this because the way I built the module (see screenshot)? Thanks, Kevin
Anaplan API WADL
Hi , We are looking to use the anaplan api with one of our ETL tools which allows us to setup a connection using a rest connection, however it's looking for a WADL. Is this something that exists or will we need to create this ourselves. Thanks D0nmac
Contents of import actions
For import actions it would be good to have a column in Imports tab. suggesting which of the source items(list or lineitems) are mapped to target. Not the natural mapping by anaplan but any thing which is manually mapped and saved rather than opening each action and figuring out.
Line Item Data Connections
If a line item name changes in the source, keep the mapping in actions so that it pulls from the new line item name automatically.
how to update list with hierarchies
i hv created a list with different properties and want to update some properties when end user done some changes in the property published on dashboard and same gets updated in the list. i hv created a system module with two line items same as property in the list and published on the dshboard. once user does some changes…
Model Building Level 2 Training - Import Issue
Hello, I am trying to upload data in OTH01 module of the FP&A model from INV05 in the supply chain model. Every thing looks perfect. I juste have a problem when matching the location. As you can see in the source module i have Mumbai as location while in the target module i have Bombay. Is it normal ? What module should i…
Import Data into SYS06 Product Details
I am having issues when I import, this is what I have done. Only one size gets imported