Apply DCA by User Group/Role
The ability to have user specific DCA is great as it allows fine grain control of line items/modules without add dimensions to them, but... As we are dealing with large models with increasing number of users the DCA modules themselves can become very large thousands of users by thousands of CC plus maybe a few other…
Summary Method per List
In DISCO we create CAL modules that are purely for caulations and turn Summary Method to NONE. There are though many times where to be most efficient you may want to only have the Summary method apply to one list. e.g. you want it to SUM on product only because you can then use it in an Output module which doesn't need the…
Anaplan Time Range Limitation
I was very surprised recently when I discovered a limitation to Anaplan's permitted time range. It may surprise others to know that Anaplan is limited to supporting only 70 Years (20 past and 50 future) and the maximum number of years possible is 90 (using a time range set, as of writing, to 1981 with 90 periods). I did…
Please change the layout of blueprint view!
The New UX is great and has drastically improved the end-user experience however, the model builder experience has really lagged behind. Anaplan models should be as easy to build as they are to use. There are some really easy wins to be had that will drastically improve the experience for model builders, in this…
Ability to select multiple models to change the mode
Hi Anaplan, It would be great if we have a feature to select multiple models in the Manage Models page to change the mode at one go. For instance, if I want to archive 20 test models created by my team mates, then it would be easy if I have an option to click a Boolean to select the models and change the mode from Standard…
Display fiscal year label as FYXX/XX for cross year configuration
Hi, My company is using a fiscal year that is not aligned to the conventional Jan-Dec period hence it will cross over the calendar year. In the Time settings, we can choose to align the fiscal year label to start or end month but the format is still FYXX. However it will be clearer if we can use a format like FY22/23…
Create ABORT button when getting stuck with changes/formula when you made mistake.
When submitting changes to line item, and you know you did mistake. Please let us ABORT calculation by Anaplan. It will save tie and resources when building model.
Auto sorting subsets list when choosing Applies to or Format
As a model builder I have to search through "the list of the lists" to select necessary dimension in Applies to or a list for line item format. Most of the lists are ordered the same way as we put them in General lists and Line item subsets tabs using "Reorder..." button. But apart from that we have Subset which can be…
Open referencing modules and related lists
As a model builder I want to be able to open modules which are referenced by selected module as a blueprint action. This is how I think it could look like: Also I want to be able to open list elements used as dimensions oth the module. (we could not have it in classic US as we could not open multiple lists but now we can!)…
Subset Formula in General Lists
Hi Team, Can we have an option to have "Formula" in the General Lists --> 'Subsets' section. It would be easy to control Subsets using formulae. Thanks Sathya
AND and OR logical operators
In our work we need to frequently use several layers of nested IF THEN ELSE statements. These could be greatly streamlined by introducing IF and OR logical operators to Anaplan. For example: IF A = 1 THEN IF B = 2 THEN TRUE ELSE 0 ELSE 0 could be replaced with IF AND(A = 1, B =2) THEN TRUE. In this context, these operators…
New Model Experience: Re-open last closed tab
Often when you are model building or analysing an issue, you close a tab (be it a dashboard or a module) and realise you should have kept it open. Often that then means having to go away and search for the object again. It would be really useful if like on internet browsers like Chrome, you had the option to re-open the…
Timestamp using data write action
It would be nice to have it displayed the action run time stamp or a Boolean check timestamp using a data write action in New UX. we can bring by text formatted line item as we dont have time stamp data type. it will help to calculate several time related calculations. which will definitely help in several use cases.
Sum calculation not visible when highlighting cells in expanded view
Currently in an Anaplan dashboard, if you highlight cells, you can view the summation of the values (see image below). However, when you expand the table to fullscreen, the summation does not show (see image below). We kindly request a product enhancement to allow for summation calculations in an expanded table view.…
Ability to update formulas of List Properties just like line items
To use the List property in formula, one need to type out the whole list name including property name, that is a cumbersome process. Allowing Reference of List Properties, will save MB time and efforts in wrong typing of name.
Request to 'tone down' Quick Sum Bar warning
Description of the enhancement: The mixed data types warning is confusing and distracting to my users. Can it be toned down? Example: The yellow looks too much like an error and could be viewed as there being an issue with the data selected. How it helps my business process:
More granular forumula scope for versions
Description of enhancement: Ability to set formula scope for selected versions rather than just the limited options of All/Actual/All except Actual/Current. Business case: This would give us the ability to control what versions applied to a given formula. Would allow us to create snapshots. Would allow us to work in two…
Option to disable the model map
Description of the enhancement required: Please provide an option to disable the model map. An example of the enhancement: In the Settings tab, there would be a section for User Preferences, which would allow me to turn off the Model Map. How would it help the business process: I never use the Model Map, but it gets in the…
To be able to use an action to change the order of items in a list
Description of the enhancement required: To be able to use an action to change the order of items in a list. An example of the enhancement: I have a list, FRED, which is populated from a SQL query containing an ORDER BY clause. However, new items are always inserted at the end of the list (or rather, at the end of the…
No way to get last month of quarter in one line item
As an example, if the first month of the Fiscal Year is Mar 15, I want "May 15" returned because that's the last month of the quarter. This is my formula (on a line item formatted as Month and no Timescale): FINDITEM(Time, NAME(PERIOD(END(PARENT(TIME.'Apr 15'))))) However, this returns 'Apr 15' due to this in Anapedia:…