Custom Version Best Practices: Sales Forecasting and Planning Models
Hi all, I'd love to hear how you've successfully implemented custom versions in your organization. Please share your experiences or any resources you know of that outline best practices! I've seen two common approaches in the models I've worked in: Most common: Custom versions are a dimension in nearly every module. Most…
Use Different Color in all Chart options - Value based(Smae line item value)
Currently we can choose single color in Graph or Chart for the same line item values. I have received customer feedback that this should be flexible as they would like this to see Negative value to in different color than positive values, and color changes for increase and decrease of value in same line item, say for…
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module
Hello can anyone please help that formula for country made in is correct ?
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module ux page conditional formatting
hello I am stuck at this because I don't find the proper conditional formating option in custom view to create the above said condtion to highlight great than 0 ; what i have is to write min and max value
New UXの機能アップデート ・チャートパレット機能 ・コンテキストセッティングスUIの強化 ・マネジメントレポート レポートページのアクション機能 ・Workflow機能の強化 インテリジェンスのアップデート ・PlanIQ アルゴリズムの強化
Top five new model building tips and additions that changed my life
Author: Ayesha Zoha, Certified Master Anaplanner and Manager at Cervello. As we all have started using the new modeling experience, here are my top five features which have made model building easier and more efficient: Formula indentation. One of the significant additions in the new model building experience is the…
How do I convert the format from Text to List?
When I edit the format and switch from text to list, I get the following error message: "Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source." How do I fix this?
L2 Import Data into Historic Volumes Module - Ignored
Cannot import Historic+Volumes file into DAT03, records getting ignored every time. Here's my settings on the import: What am I doing incorrectly?
REV02 Without SUM
Hello, How do I sum the data?
Level 2 Sprint 2
Hi I am trying to import from the DAT03 Module and my volume values are showing up as "true" - how do I fix it?
Cancel current task/process if estimated processing time more than 2min
My idea is to have some sort of dialog window that will pop-up as warning that current change will take more than 2 min or so. Case: For example, I'm building a module and at some point forgot to add matching dimension to bring up a value from other module. Following two would of happen: 1. I am lucky and Anaplan gives an…
L3 Exam
When it says Data Hub Model. May I know which model are they referring to? I have downloaded one data hub and one sales planning in L2 one data hub in L3 Sprint 2. But i am not sure which sales planning model they are referring to. Thanks.
getting expected 4-digit year in date/period
Please find the below ss.
Step-by-step: User-based sorting
Author: David Edwards is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Principal at Columbus Consulting. While there is sufficient documentation regarding how the user list can be an effective tool for UX filtering and dynamic cell access, there is also the opportunity to leverage users when designing custom sorting functionality…
Can a user with read-only access still approve things in the UX?
3.5.3 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary Module
my whole data is ZERO , can you check my formula is correct etc
Need help with Level 2 Sprint 2 -
I'm trying to create the module in the exercise and have selected the right dimensions per the below, however I am not seeing the product families.. only "Growth %" Why am I not seeing the Products from the P1 Product Family list show up?
l3 exam instructions
I have been following the instructions and when i download data from the L3 exams. it's in quarterly basis while in the existing data hub model / sales planing model (which i downloaded in L2) are all in monthly basis. Did I download the right or wrong thing or it's part of the test to convert those? Thank you.
Condensing a heirarchy
Hi, I am looking for some advice on the most efficient way to condense a part of our hierarchy. We have an area of our business that no longer requires the level of granularity we currently have in Anaplan. There is around 200 members in this hierarchy, and we want to move it all to one member. We want to delete the…
Level 1 lesson 10.2.6
after inputting the formulas they get this, but i get a blank for the line items starting from bonus to medical costs and TEE is computed wrong for me without adding the rest as shown below, below i have uploaded the blueprint version also,
Trying to use ALM when Write access driver exists
hi I get the following error when I try to use ALM, and have a write access driver. "An internal error occurred while preparing the structural changes for synchronization. Reason for error: To serve as an access driver, a line item must be formatted as a Boolean." For my write access driver, i do have a booelan list, where…
LOOKUP function
Hello everyone, Want to the mapping criteria you could use, the time source data does not have the same dimensions as with the target the result by using LOOKUP function. Thanks,
L3 Sprint 2
Is this normal? All my data is empty
SyS09 module looking different
can someone tell why this is looking different from this
3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
Hello Can anyone help me how to get rid of the values in the line items in product SKU by Distribution grid ? i have created a saved view for distribution centres which is has values . but to get the final results to show only the dimensions without values how it is possible as per the requirements ? even if i turned on…
こんにちは! Anaplanのサポート問い合わせ方法をまとめた資料を公開させていただきます。 どこに問い合わせするのか分からないという時にご利用いただければと思います。 ・プロダクトサポート プロダクトサポートへのお問い合わせ方法など ・Anaplanプラットフィームメンテナンス 定期メンテナンスを確認する方法など ・Appendix 内容別問い合わせ先について
こんにちは! Anaplanの管理者権限ロール概要の資料を公開させていただきます。 AnaplanではどのようなRoleがあるのかや、権限付与方法も紹介しております。 ・Anaplan Architectureとロール一覧 ・Tenanto Admin ・User Admin ・Workspace Admin ・その他Admin Roleの見直しや、設定を行う際に是非ご確認ください。
- Create Product Supply Manager Role
Hello can anyone help in saying the the logic how to apply these conditions ? first create the roles and give the read write access to the modules ? create access control module for products and SKU and map their names to it ? how ? im totally confused how to do the logic when to create access control module( DCA) and…
Module to module import problem - list item mapping problem?
Hi Anaplaners, I have created a module-to-module import action within the same model. The source module and the target module have identical dimensions, line item no., line item format etc. However, it seems like there are some kind of mapping problem for the team list. As you can see from the below screenshot, in the…
Different numbers being imported
I have 2 modules, both with exactly the same structure (2 dimensions, multiple versions, no time scale, and with only one line item). I created a simple import from one module to the other, however, once the import has run successfully with no errors, I'm getting different numbers landing in the corresponding cells in the…