Global Find & Replace
I would like the ability to perform a model wide find and replace of a word. I should have the option to include text boxes, dashboard names, module names, line item names, action names, help text, tool tips, and literally ANYWHERE else in the model this word or string occurs. It should basically behave like Excel's find…
Need only one service account per each project in order to reduce cost for a GCP connection
We are encountering a problem using Cloudworks in Anaplan to connect to GCP. Our data-engineering team found that we need to create a service account for each project. This is because Anaplan assumes that the data is on the same project as the service account, which causes extra costs for us. Our external data is on one…
How to set automatic refresh when filter is updated to new value
Hi All, As I was building the UX Pages and came across on roadblock wherein each time when I change country and segment in field card I had to refresh the page again to get new country and segment values. Please requesting for inputs on how to set automatic refresh when I change the filter to new country and segment Below…
How to calculate active days in a month???
Adding specific number to imported data
What's the best possible way of adding '0's to imported data? Eg: Data > Required Data 156 > 00156 23 > 00023 62797 > 62797 0 > 00000
Comparison Report - Flags Changes but cannot Identify What
Hi, I've made some changes to a model, and run a comparison report. The report flags I've changed some Dashboards. Not to my knowledge! Digging through them carefully they look the same, with the same content as before. Also the Comparison Report says I've made changes to a list of Saved View - again not to my knowledge,…
User Dimension not Syncing on NUX Board
We are using users as a dimension to define custom Boolean enabled filters. In Classic UX, the user syncs to the user of the model and it all works fine. When publishing the same views to a Board in the NUX, the user does not sync, it remains on the user that the view was on when published regardless if "sync to page" is…
Populate Module with Data from a module with different dimensions
Hi, I'm trying to add data that has been calculated in Module A to module B. Module A: List 1 Time Line items, where one of them is: Account XPTO1 (data's format is number), Account XPTO2 and Account XPTO3 Module B: List 1 Time List 2 (where we have accounts) Line items, where one of them is: Final Value (data's format is…
Filters for lists
Filter options for lists e.g. users lists So we can filter on model role, single sign on …. etc Reason Easier to manage large users list
NUX Does not Contain Filter Option
When filtering a grid in the NUX I would like to have the option to Select "Does Not Contain". We have the option to contain but if I want to exclude an item in a Text Field that contains the string "DOES NOT" I am unable to do it and the only option is either to create a filter in the underlying module or export the data…
How do I remove gridlines from a table card in a Report?
Hi, I feel like this should be fairly simple but I am seemingly unable to remove or change the gridlines to clear within a table card on an Anaplan report. Is this possible?
Lookup from Different Dimension
I have Source Module like below. It has SKU as dimension and line item "Exhibition Year Season" and "Exhibition Year". Both line item are using list formatted data type. I want to lookup Exhibition Year in Target Module based on Exhibition Year Season in Source Module. So the result of target module will become like this:…
Failed to retrieve field list from the selected data source. Please check your import settings and
Hi I'm received this error and it took a while to work out what it was. In the "Source Models" it was pointing to the wrong environment, this is confusing because I could still see the "Saved Views" to click on, it would bail out straight after that with the error. The complete error is: "Failed to retrieve field list from…
Cert Auth without SSO enabled
Will a user account (api user) be able to use certificate auth for api calls after the 3 month password expiration without SSO being enabled? The Anaplan articles seem to indicate SSO is needed but I just wanted confirmation. I am hoping that cert auth will last until expiration of the certificate regardless of SSO. Thanks
Anaplan for career growth
Author: David Edwards is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Principal at Columbus Consulting. Anaplan has long been a tool for driving growth and transformation within the companies that utilize its technology. However, it is also helpful to understand how being well-versed in Anaplan implementation and development is a…
Show the last date and time a process was run on a dashboard
We have a process to import live orders, and it takes a little time to import the data, it is used up to 7 staff members, and as they are working from home a great deal they sometimes all run the process one after each other, which can be draining on the system and my mood It can be run 40 times a day and only needs to be…
source with more dimension than target
l Line items: source-target ok period: source-target ok sales group: source-target ok product group: source-target ok order type: list exists only in source - OrderTypeTotal -value should be transferred to target delivery channel: list exists only in source - DeliveryChannelTotal -value should be transferred to target…
When can we get 2024 Badges
Is it possible to Sync a Context Selector to a Field Car Line Item?
I have a grid dimensioned by country and Brand (No time). Country is visible in the grid, while Brand appears on the top right as a page selector - as the user wants to see values by country, one brand at a time. The question is: Is there a way to have a field above said grid. Formatted as brand, so that the user instead…
Alternatives to connect Anaplan to Tableau
Hi, We are connecting Anaplan to Tableau in one of our engagements, where Tableau is the downstream system. Currently we are refreshing Tableau data or pulling data into Tableau via Anaplan-Tableau connector (which is native to Tableau). However, as per Tableau 2023.1 release, Anaplan connector will be depricated in 1-2…
AM365: Visibility of which Anaplan UX cards are connected to which PowerPoint slides
Please enhance the visibility between Anaplan UX/Cards and the Related PowerPoint slides as follows. The context of this request concerns the case where one populates Anaplan grids onto a PowerPoint, and then updates the cards in each month's PowerPoint (so, refresh the cards / data via AM365). The request is for improved…
Eliminating Sparsity
Summary: Sparse cells within an Anaplan model are cells that do not contain and are not expected to contain data. The platform still needs to allocate memory space to these cells even though they are not used. The trick is being able to identify and combat these cells in existing models as well as preventing them when…
Query on Time Range
I am working on a one module where there is a time range added. After changing the financial year I changed the time range from FY23-24 to FY24-25. The cell count has become double after making this change. I checked Time range summery is same for both. Can I get a possible solution for this.
Export Pages as PNG files
Having the ability to export pages as PNG files not just PDF would allow us to embed them within in the email giving a more professional appearance than having an attachment, this would also make it easier for stakeholders to read the reports / pages on the go within the email rather than having to download the pdf and…
Designing models that scale
Author: Arun Thakar, Certified Master Anaplanner and Vice President in the banking industry. One of the aspects which determine whether a model will meet the need of the business is how well it can scale. Whether the constraint is balancing numerous concurrent users, or having dimensions with high indices, or both and…
Dependent Dropdown Issue
Hi, I have built a dependent dropdown but its not functioning properly. I have a hierarchy which follows the certain order: Entity>Segment>Product Below is my segment hierarchy Below are my line items which are list formatted When I am selecting the top level of Entity, my segment dropdown is showing entity list and on…
Delete rate button
Can someone help me out on adding a "delete rate" button on the UX side? Thanks in advance.
how to pull values from one module to another module with no common dimension?
I have two modules A & B where I want to use values of one line item of module A to be a part of a calculation in module B. Module A and B have no common dimensions in between them. Please help.
What are Blank Lookups ?
How can we use in Anaplan and Give me a scenario where can i use this Blank Lookup in Anaplan
Can I change the Timeout/Logout period from 30 minutes to 2 hours?
Hi team, right now an Anaplan session automatically times out if the end-user is inactive for 30 minutes. However, my users have complained that this is too short a time and too troublesome. Is there a way tenant admin can increase this time limit? Would be super helpful. Thanks Natasha