Changing the font color option for conditional formatting.
I work on a finance team and our organization has just implemented Anaplan. Some early feedback we received from our leadership is if we could turn negative values red. Our standard practice is to turn the text of negative values red. The red text allows you to quickly identify areas of concern. Not being able to change…
Row Height more Options
Hello everyone, There are currently four options for the Row Height: Standard Medium Large Extra large Standard is the smallest mode here, which is why our dashboards sometimes have display problems. Is there a plan to offer smaller options than "Standard"? So something like "Small" or "Extra Small"? Kind regards Jonas
Level 1 exam - model building activity 2
I updated REV02 Volume Inputs Module to include a formula to pull data from the DATA02 SKU Volumes module and after I did that, the REV02 module returned all zeros. I had imported the SKU Volumes.csv into the DATA02 module, so not sure why I would have all zeros.
Bulk Copy Years
Hello everyone, I would like to move all the data in my model by a few years (Write all data from 2020 to 2023, 2021 to 2024…). For that I tried using Bulk Copy, but I can only copy individual months there, not entire years (if I select this accordingly, the button is greyed out). This is therefore a problem, as some…
dimensions look up
I have a REF module dimensioned by a list of vacations: this module represents with a hierarchy, a column of start date and end date. (the "vacation list" is a child of "team"). I have a second module dimensioned by Team, which I'd like to model by day, so that I can boolean-select the days off. I've set a formula of :…
Level 2: Model Builder - Inventory Ordering Module Formulas
Hi everyone, I am not getting the results as expected. Does anyone of you know where my mistake is? for the first Row "Beginning Inventory" I am only getting values for Week 1. For row "Shipping Time Weeks" I am getting 0 as the result. But expected is the value 4 (for Week 1). Here are my formulas: Thank you. KR Tobi
Move data between Anaplan & SAP
I am looking for possible & efficient ways which can be used to move data between Anaplan & SAP. In the past i have used SSIS to do same between Anaplan & MS Dynamics365/SQL Server, by using Anaplan API to execute import & export actions. Is there a tool which can give me a similar approach for SAP as well?
Suppressing duplicates while importing list
Within a module, we have line items for entity, employee, currency, and account, with the module being dimensioned by time (month). The employee's entity and currency may change monthly. Additionally, there's another line item called Key, formed by concatenating the aforementioned four line items, and its time scale is…
When to use lookup/sum versus when to refer cells in anaplan
I find a little bit confusing on when we would use the lookup or sum function rather than refer the cells in anaplan. Can you help me to explain more about this? I also note that lookup is for looking up non-repetitive value on the source file, while sum is for summing up repetitive value on the source file. Depending on…
Certification Questions
Hello Community, I have two questions. Is Anaplan certification tied to current employer? Reason for the question is that the login user id uses the employment email. Can it be changed to personal email? If yes, who do we need to reach out to? If one wants to continue certification process after he/she changes employer,…
(NMX) L1 Model Building - 14: Additional Topics not accessible?
I was trying to revisit some topics covered in course 14: Additional Topics but couldn't access it. Only a blank page was loaded. Could you please look into it? Thanks in advance.
How to flag SKUs based on the lowest revenue
Hi, I have a module Target Setting with 3 dimensions: Brand, Category, Time. Users make an % input to indicate how much each combination should increase Revenue for the next Year. Then, the Target SKU Reduction line item is calculated within the same module to inform how many SKUs should be discontinued to meet the target…
Show process Id into actions window
it's would be useful to display process Id into actions window (in a dedicated column)
Is there a way to reset the List Ids to reorder it correctly?
Hello everyone, I am building a date range filter to allow a use to select weeks and then have it filter to the days belonging to each week. I did this by having a report days being a child of Report weeks and using an Time calc to set up the range. It is working like I want by showing the correct list items. But they are…
Time Filters and Time Context Selectors
Hi, My page has a time context selector to filter a report and the user can select half years or full years if they want a full year total. I also have a table of supporting editable data that the user wants to filter by half. It is frustrating for them as they need to select the time from the context selector and then the…
Complex GL Account Mapping to Cost Centre for Allocation
Hi Anaplaners, I want to mapp certain GLs to CCs and vice versa. Additionally I want to map certain cost centre to all GL Account and vice versa. Based on the mapping I would input an Allocation % for those mapped GL & CC. The mapping is done on the lowest levels of the hierarchy. It will also have the Parent of the GL…
New School Year Brings New Challenges for U.S. Universities
Anticipation is in the air, and perhaps, even a hint of cooler weather that signifies fall is coming. Recent high school graduates are eager to begin their higher education journey, and many continuing students are excited to see their classmates and professors in person after more than a year of online study and to take…
Higher Ed: Planning for the Future in a Time of Constant Change
It has now been more than a year since the coronavirus pandemic began wreaking havoc on all segments of U.S. business and society. Some sectors and organizations have learned how to adapt to the vast changes in how we do business and go about our daily lives while we all await a return to some semblance of normalcy.…
Transactional APIs - Part 2: Use Cases
Introduction Following use cases will be presented in this section: How to retrieve id for a given dimension/list & list member from its name or code How to retrieve allocated & consumed space for a Workspace & Model Workspace Sizing Use case Model Memory Usage Use case How to retrieve permitted number of Items & Index…
Set specific Time Granularity for Gantt Charts in NUX
Hi Team, I bring an easy -but yet a tad annoying- request for you. Issue: It seems like Gantt Charts in the NUX automatically adjust the granularity of the time "dimension" based on the dates in the cells of the source module, as shown below: As a result, the Gantt Charts on your boards may change significantly (what is…
pulling data from one module to another for a particular period.
Hello Folks, I have a question regarding pulling data from one module to another for a particular period. Please find the details here: Source Module Lists: Time FY22 - FY25 (Months), Custom versions and Products Target Module Lists: Time FY22 - FY25(Quarters), Custom Versions and Products. The issue here is, I have 8…
Summing a line item with a formula summary method
Hi I have a module that is calculating correctly for each line item when I apply the Formula summary method as its based on the dimensions listed in the context selectors. I need to return the sum of this line item (highlighted in yellow) in another module but it obviously returns zero. I am sure I am missing something…
New UX: Gantt Chart Filters for Time and Lists
For the New UX, I want to ability to synchronize my rows (which are usually hierarchy lists in the model) so when I select a parent list, I only see the applicable values in my Gantt Chart. In addition, I want the ability to filter my timescale (formatted in the columns based on the Gantt Chart requirements) to the start…
New UX Gantt Chart Time Period Issue & Improvement
Hello! * It would be great to add features to the New UX Gantt to* show only weekdays when presenting weekly level roadmap. * format the text style on row and column headers * Issue / defect on "Week 7" as it appears twice
Sorting group options - New UX
Did we lose the group sorting option (before/after/start/end) in the new UX [screenshots below] Anyone using any workaround? Classic UX: NEW UX:
How do I import only 1 occurrence without errors?
I have a DATA module with a line item named "Scenarios." I need to import this line item into a list also named Scenarios list. The data module is dimensionalized by a different list so I cannot use the isfirstoccurence() formula. What's the best practice when it comes to importing this line item into a list as to not have…
Show calculation time directly in model
Would be very beneficial for the model builder to see the calculation time (e.g. from model open) of the individual line items with formulas. The current cell count is a great help when it comes to optimizing the model and identifying how to reduce the size hereof. However, the calculation time of the different line items…
How to get Range of Values between two Booleans that are time formatted?
When the user select Two Boolean Check the range is defined so I want to get the range of values respective months.