- Getting wrong Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt value.
Hi there, could you help me with this wrong answer? i tried everything but still getting wrong answer. Thanks & regards.
I need a help in formula
Country State District Percentage Allocation Values Final Value 502364 520647 521987 0.2 3417 502364 520647 523378 0.123 3868 502364 520647 527298 0.5 2659 502364 520647 524982 0.02738 2413 502364 520647 522518 0.14962 2687 502364 502670 502672 0.235 3548 502364 502670 502674 0.635 3047 502364 502670 502679 0.13 2464…
L3 Sprint 2 User story
Hi Everyone, I am in L3 in lesson 4.4 as per below screenshot. I have used the same csv file to import the data in Data Hub model and created the list G4Territroy>Accounts# and pushed it into spoke model (Sales Planning model). Just need one confirmation as per below SS it mentions we have to import into Sales Planning…
Hello, I don't know what information to put in the mapping ?
How to reduce huge dimensions
Hello, I'm having a lot of issues with workspace size, with models going above 150/200gb in size and I'm not sure how to reduce it, to give some context, I have three main lists (size considering subtotals): Products (~1,5k) Countries (>100) Customers (>270) The issue is that if we apply all of them to a module what we get…
New UXの機能アップデート ・Geo-Mapping機能の強化 ・Management Reporting機能の強化 ・散布図/バブルチャートのパワートレンドラインの追加 ・カードツールバーの整理 ・削除されたアプリページの復元 ・通知アクションの受信者の増加 ・アクションボタンアイコンの配置 ・ Workflow機能の強化
Clickable Image Links
We would like to put an image on the UX dashboard, which can be clicked on to navigate to a specific link. Is this possible to do?
Remove 10 million item limit from the ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE function
Brief description of the idea Remove 10 million item limit from the ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE function Expected benefit/impact Removing this limit would allow imports to be ran into large hierarchies that are referenced in ISFIRSTOCCURRENCE formula. Currently they fail with an error message.
Header labels for Dimension/List columns in grids
Grids in UX don't show labels for lists in rows. It is left to user assumption based on data visible which is not ideal.
Insert multiple Items to a list from UX
Old UX had capability to add multiple items to a list from any published module grid. This capability is missing in new UX. UX only provide option to use Form type action but only allows adding 1 list item at a time.
Allowing Documents (pdf, excel, word, ppt) attachments in Anaplan
It will be helpful if there is capability to attach Documents (pdf, excel, word, ppt) in Anaplan. Many planning decisions/inputs need supporting documents as attachments.
UX page with cards linking to different models.
I would like to create a UX page/Board that will allow me to create cards that link to different models. e.g. I choose the grid card and link this to a module in Model A I then choose another grid card and link this to a module in Model B and so on.
Public holidays building modules
I want to be able to display a table of public holidays by country on a dashboard. My problem is that in some countries, public holidays can change from year to year (unlike New Year's Day, which is always 01/01). The steps I've already taken: I've created a SYS10 public holidays module where I display the date and a…
Import Error
Hi All, I have a module dimension by Cost Center & Version, whenever I run an import I get this error below. What could be the reason and is there a workaround to solve this. Thanks.
Is it possible to use the Anaplan API to copy and archive models?
I am interested in automating the process of duplicating models and archiving older versions for better version control. If anyone has experience or knowledge about this, your input would be greatly appreciated.
Mapping modules dimensioned differently
I want to be able to pull over my Snapshots from SYS: Snapshot Lookup into my time module via lookup using my Week Number and the Code since they are both text. My lookup module isnt dimensioned by time but it shouldn't have to be, what am I missing?
Top Levelを持たないリストの合計値を算出する方法
Top Levelを持たないリストでSumを出力する方法を教えてほしいです。 ▼Top Levelを持つリスト ブループリントビューから「Summary」をSumにすればTop Levelに設定されているTotalが表示されます。 ▼Top Levelを持たないリスト ブループリントビューから「Summary」をSumにしてもTop LevelにTotalが設定されていないので表示されません。 別のモジュールを作成し関数を使用すれば合計値を出すことができるのであればサンプルモジュールの画像を添付してほしいです。
How to get display name of list member in users tab for selective access
Hi, I have exported users access list ,getting only numbers/codes in the selected list write access(Which is a number list) But I want to see display name of that list member . Please suggest me if there is any way to sort it out.
How to complete SOX compliance testing w.r.t. Anaplan Releases?
I have just asked this question in the form of an email to the SuccessCentral team, but I wanted to see if anyone on the Community has dealt with this situation. Assuming the folks at SuccessCentral get back to me, I will reply and post their answer in the comments. I have a general question about how to handle SOX…
New Model Experience: Re-open last closed tab
Often when you are model building or analysing an issue, you close a tab (be it a dashboard or a module) and realise you should have kept it open. Often that then means having to go away and search for the object again. It would be really useful if like on internet browsers like Chrome, you had the option to re-open the…
Ability to Collapse Cards on New UX Page
It would be helpful for Anaplan to add the ability to collapse a card if the card is not relevant to the page based on user choices. For example, on a dashboard, there is a top card that contains GL accounts. In that card, the user selects one of two planning methods for the GL account. If they select "Manual" the first 3…
How to select only one Boolean line item at a time by disabling all other Boolean options?
I want the user to select only one boolean line item at a time. When the user selects one boolean, other booleans should not be selected, and once the user unchecks the selected boolean, all booleans should be available for selection.
Is it possible to change display name of hyperlink?
Hello! I'm in the process of creating a Slack Bot. The end user has requested that a hyperlink to the UX page be included in the notification message, however, the URL is too long. Is there a way to change the display name either in Anaplan or using Slack integrations?
Getting the end date...
Creating a model for asset life, figuring out the end date of an asset by using below infos Start date: 10/19/2019 Asset Life: 4.7 years which is 56.40 months
Modules: What dimensions are used in the module? Are they all necessary?
When is this a problem? This is a problem when you have unnecessary dimensions—meaning that the logic or data in the module does not apply to the dimension. Why is this a problem? Unnecessary dimensions in a module could cause poor performance from a formula having to perform unnecessary calculations and increasing the…
How to calculate Run rate
Hi All What is the best way to calculate a 12 month run-rate formula in Anaplan. Below is the calculation I used but am not getting the right figure. Also 0 used MOVIMSUM(Actuals, -12, -1, AVERAGE) but not getting the right figure Your input will be really helpful. Thanks. In this calculation module I referenced the…
I am looking at integeration of Anaplan with SAP
We are looking on creating some utlity or similar to it using open source API's or using Python or R or can be any other tool to intgerate Aanaplan with SAP to make our offer more cost effective and lucrative
Merge two line items of type list into one of same data type
Good morning, I'm trying to merge two line items of type list into one with the same list. I have tried operators ("AND", "&", "+") and non of them seem to work. Does some one know how to do this? Find a screenshot of what I'm trying to do: Canal Total should be canal + canal2
Function MONTH returning 11 for the period dec
Good morning, The function MONTH is returning in our model the number 11 for the month of December, the number 12 for the month of January and number 1 for February. Anyone know why is this happening? and why december is not the 12 month and januray the 1 month? Find screenshoots attached: We have a calendar type 4-4-5 as…
Anaplan's APIs
Hello, I'm starting to dig deeper into Anaplan APIs and i would like to do a best practice script that exports everything there is in Anaplan (lists, modules, actions) to then parse the data and figure out if there is anything that could be optimized. Is there by any chance someone that has already come up with a similar…