Allow marking Line Items subsets as "Production data"
Currently line item subsets are structural data and the only way to make changes to them is in the dev model then syncing those changes to prod. I would like to be able to mark a line item subset as production data so I am able to add and remove line items to it in my production model.
Take Locked model offline
As a Model Builder and member of CoE, I need to be able to set the model in the Locked status as "Offline". Currently, when the model is Locked, all users who have access automatically have access to it (so it's in "Online" state). But sometimes, we need the model, which only Workspace Admins can see, but it's not editable…
Function that returns a User's Model Role
It would be really helpful to be able to query a user's model role, and with that information be able to do things like: * Allow / Limit access to information based on a user's role * Use in dynamic cell access formulas * Allow a module on certain dashboards to be read-only (for larger audiences), while the same module on…
Message before session times out
Hello Anaplanners! Please add a message box BEFORE session times out. "The session will time out in XX sec. Press any key to continue your session". Clicking it will continue session. It is very often when you make some work outside Anaplan, but Anaplan is open on second screen. And in some moment you get message that…
Automation of Back up for Sustainment Models
For all those who have been working on Sustainment models and not much of development tasks but enhancing pre existing solutions in a workspace, it must be a very common daily task to take back ups of a given list of models. The copying and archiving can be a tedious process on a daily basis if the list of models being…
Model builder role needed
Description of the enhancement required: Ability of having an user to access model building funcionality without granting access to add/remove users. This could be a new role for model builders with no access to add/remove users How would it help your business process: We have some Anaplan users in our work environment, as…
Set global defaults for column settings
Hi all, I think it would be extremely useful for users to set a global default for column settings when publishing modules to dashboards. These settings would include; - Default Wrap Text in Headers - Eg. 3 lines - Default Column Width - Eg. 100 px - Default Width for Row Labels - Eg. 200 px I think it would be useful to…
Reorganization of Tenant Admin and Workspace Admin Roles, Responsibilities, and Functionality
Hi Community, I wanted to share a scenario that may be a common issue for perhaps 1 too many customers. Let's say in your situation, you had 1 workspace administrator as the sole administrator in a given workspace. When they left the company, no one else had access to the data and that workspace. We can understand why this…
Enhance Anaplan to fully integrate with customer's identity provisioning systems
Please enhance the Anaplan platform so that it has the capability of importing users and user groups directly from a customer's identity provisioning system at our Tenant Administration layer. Segregation of duties at many customers results in user authentication and group assignment being the responsibility of a separate…
API V2 Enhancement - more info about models
As a member of Anaplan Center of Excellence and user of Anaplan Integration API, I need to get more information about models. In old version of API (1.3), we could get more information about models than in newer one (2.0). The missing (and really useful) data are: -'isoCreationDate' -'lastModified'…
Admin: Ability to disable users in mass
As an admin I would like the ability to disable users in mass. Currently it is very time consuming as this needs to be done one at a time. The disable button is also not visible when scrolling which results in the admin having to scroll back to the top of the page in order to disable a user from the list. This could be…
Time Stamp Formula
An example of the enhancement: A frontend Tool is provided to an End User where they can review data housed within Anaplan. Functionality within the Tool allows the End User to submit changes to this data An approval workflow is set in place to ensure there are no erroneous change submissions Action is created to Capture…
Ability to add .txt file to a Revision Tag
I think it would be beneficial to have the ability to upload attachments to a revision tag as supporting information for a development change. It would not need to be any more complicated than uploading a .txt file against each revision tag. Currently, we have the ability to add a title and description for each revision…
Ability to define type of license for users
Would be great to have an ability to set license type for users, so no one could accidentelly give a user contributor role when there's only viewer license purchased for him
Ability to Reorder Users
It will be very helpful if there is an option to reorder the names in the Users list. Since we can use users as a dimension now, some of our use cases need users in alphabetic orders or to have all users in one role together. This will help in user administration as well.
List Formatted Line Item Selective Access
I am requesting the ability to control if a user can copy/paste into a list formatted line item cell with selective access enabled. Currently, model builders can restrict a list formatted line item drop-down to only show list members for which a user has selective access. However, this restriction is easily violated by…
User Administration export action
My company has a requirement to recertify all users quarterly. I would like an action that would allow me to export all users from the Anaplan Administration Users view. This will allow us to export all users in Anaplan and validate them against our AD users to verify that all users are valid.
CoE - Monitoring Licences / Workspaces / Models (Anaplan Model)
Intro: As best practice, you recommend the use of a Center of Excellence to fully support Anaplan in organizations. As part of a CoE, I could not agree more with all benefits that came out following the implementation. Description: What is missing for us is the monitoring of our Licences, Models and Workspaces. As the…
Bulk Delete Models
a workspace admin, I should be able to bulk delete models, rather than 1 by 1
Import action should not ignore Selective Access for a Workspace Administrator
Description of the enhancement required: Workspace admin with applied selective access to only one region had affected data in other regions because selective access does not work on Workspace admins. An example of the enhancement: As a workspace admin if I change my profile to only have access to a specific region, and…