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How to Use Lookups from Multiple Modules with Different Dimensions
I have three modules with different dimensions: Product Details: Dimension: 'Product' Line Item: 'Dispatched Qty' Formula I used is : 'Order Import Data'. Dispatched Qty [LOOKUP: 'Order Import Data'. FIND_PRODUCT] Attributes Allocation: Dimension: 'Allocation ID' Line Item: 'Dispatched Qty' Formula is : 'Order Import…
JSON as Import File Format
With the JSON format being the pervasive format for API data interchange it would be excellent if Data Import actions could use this format of file as a data source.
Allow User to Enter Comments at Parent Level?
We have a text-formatted line-item where we want users to enter comments at both the child and parent levels. The current solution works fine for the bottom level, but Anaplan won't allow comments at the parent level (Marketing - Corporate Memberships). Is there a simple fix to this issue?
Get the Duplicate records based on different combination checks in a module
I have a scenario where I need to highlight the duplicate records based on different line items combination check. Below is the use case. I have a module with District and Territory combination code list. Then I have line items to populate Territory, District, Country and Category names. I want now to create a Check…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Beginning Inventory, Forecast Demand, and Suggested Order Line Items
Hi.. for some reason I don't think Beginning Inventory is pullin the correct data from DAT01.Beginning Inventory. Same case for Forecast Demand line item. I used the formula "IF NOT Override? THEN Initial Demand Forecast ELSE Override Forecast" for Final Forecast line item in DEM03 Demand Forecast( and "DEM03 Demand…
Anaplan equivalent of the "Product" Function
I would like to use a formula that calculates the product of a series of items.
Hi Community, Anyone have idea about 90 days free workspace. I mean what about after 90 days. Is it chargeable or it will discontinues after 90 days
Anaplan Image Library - Image not showing for Virtual Desktop Users
Hi Anaplanners, I'm having an issue where images in the Anaplan Image Library won't show for virtual desktop users (services like Citrix). Are there any workarounds? Is this a known issue? Thanks in advance!
Time Period Formatted line items dependency on Time Range
Currently dropdown for time period formatted line items shows all time periods for Model Calendar. There should be an option to make them dependent on Time range applicable to that particular Module/Line Item. For Example: If Model has 5 years, a Month formatted line item will show all 60 months in dropdown even if that…
Bulk Copy Action for Production Lists
This idea relates to the Bulk Copy action enhancement released in a platform update earlier this month (Nov 6 2021 release). (Thank you by the way for that enhancement!) We would like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action for Production Lists. (Currently, the action is limited to only non-Production Lists.) Bulk Copy…
FINDITEM on Numbered List Without Code
Is it possible to do a FINDITEM on a numbered list without using the code field? The numbered list restriction exists because I need non-admin end users to easily add to the list (e.g. by adding a 'Create' action). The code restriction exists because non-admin end users will be adding to the list, and hence will not be…
Add Change in Model Size to Comparison Reports
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Currently, the process for documenting model size must be done manually. While this is a simple enough task, it would be much easier…
Introduction of Dashboard in-cell formula calculations
Could you consider introduction of Front-End Dashboard in-cell formulas for calculations like in excel
FINDITEM on numbered list ( display name )
Hello, this is my problem. I import a file in my STG03 module, dimensioned by the STG03 contrat list. This list has a property "Tiers" which contains the tiers names, in TEXT. I also have a Tiers module, dimensioned by a Tiers numbered list with code, and display name which are the tiers names. I want to turn the TEXT line…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Beginning Inventory, Forecast Demand, and Suggested Order Line Items
Hi….I don't see any values in the Forecast Demand. I am struck. Help!! Thanks.
こんにちは。 Workflowでタスクの担当者をモジュールから選択した場合に「完了チェックを有効化」という設定がありますが、ユースケースが分かりません。 階層タスクやグループタスクを使ったワークフローで、モジュール内に完了チェック用のラインアイテムを作り設定を有効にしてみましたが、フロー開始から完了の前後で何も変化がありませんでした。 完了チェックを有効にして、ラインアイテムがtrueになるのはどういったケースでしょうか?
New Function To Convert Date Format to Text Format
It would be very useful to have this functionality rather than convert to numbers through DAY, MONTH, YEAR and back to text through TEXT function. Best practice would dictate to split these functions out but this increases clutter and causes unnecessary calculations in models.
Today() Function
I'm wondering why in Anaplan we can only have to input current period in Time. As we're using Anaplan as Supply Chain planification tools and we work really at planning on days level. So it's necessary for us to determine "today"'s date. The solution we use now is to launch an automatic import and update the "Today" item.…
3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review UX Page
Hello, I am working on this exercise, and I am stuck. This is the view I have and I am trying to do the following. The UX page should include: Region, Product Family, and Time context selectors. Stock Exception count by Country and Region at monthly, half-year, and year time periods. Stock Exception count by Product Family…
How to Add Child members(More than one member in one go) based on User input
I am working on a use case where basis on input from user, child list will have required number of list items. For E.g.- User Input =3, 3 entries are created under L2. I am able to add multiple rows in one go using below logic. But stuck in a scenario, where we have existing list member already added & want to add more…
How to Retrieve the List of Apps and Pages Using Anaplan API
I have successfully obtained the authentication token and retrieved the list of models using the API. However, I am unsure how to retrieve the list of apps and pages within a specific model. Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve this?
Does having multiple models in a single workspace (standard or hypermodel) affects performance?
Hi All, I have a query where currently we have 3 models in 3 different workspaces(standard). In all the 3 models we have intergrations running at different times(5-6 times a day for each model) to update Actuals/Forecast from other sources. We are looking into getting a hypermodel workspace for future enhancements &…
How can I allow users to override a filter and display selected accounts in an input module?
I have a module where users need to input data for accounts. Currently, I hide accounts without any values using a filter. However, I want to allow users to select specific accounts in a side module, and this selection should override the filter for those accounts, making them appear in the input module for data entry.…
REQUEST: Allow a Line Item to have a new, UX-only, name when using it in a Graph.
It would be lovely to be able to give a Line Item a new, UX-only, name when using it in a Graph. The same way we can rename a Line Item on a Field Card. I could see this rename ability either in the ‘Series’ section where you can recolor the column OR in ‘View Designer’ under ‘Reorder’
Rename Line items - NUX
We need the ability to rename the line items within the New UX pages. At the present time the only way to rename the line items through the source module.
How to calculate project end month & project start month based on data.
Hi, I am trying to calculate last month & start month basis on DAT01 TestData. For E.g.: For list Item A: Start Month should be Nov 24 & end month as last data value. Source Module:DAT01 TestData Target Module: CAL01 Start & End Month
Use Generative AI to summarise commentary from bottom of hierarchy upwards to top of hierarchy
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Different roles enter and consume "contextual" data (commentary) at different levels of a product / customer hierarchy. It is the…
Snowflake Integration : Anaplan Connect with Private key
Hi All Anaplan connect is unable to extract private key while making a JDBC connection to snowflake. Error says “Try setting the JVM argument: -Dnet.snowflake.jdbc.enableBouncyCastle=TRUE” I believe I am using the supported version of Java (v8) & the latest version of Anaplan connect(4.2.1). I have converted.p8 to .pem…
How to create multiple actions with same source type and source target type?
How to create two actions with same source object type and target object type without creating new saved view and the two actions has a different mapping in line items?