Steps for building a model
Can anyone help me understand why the following order of the steps is wrong? I have tried two attempts but still can't get it right!!! Step 1. Build centralized dimensions in the model (time, version, lists) Step 2. Build Modules in the model Step 3. Build centralized Import data into modules Step 4. Create User Experience…
Is there a way to practice Anaplan as an independent candidate?
I have applied for talent builder program and completed Level1, Level 2 and got my certified model builder certificate. My 90-day period as part of talent builder program is over and lost access to anaplan workspace. Is there a way to get access to Anaplan workspace so that i can keep practicing Anaplan and do some…
Level 2 - Sprint 1 - Activity
I want help with the mapping. Below is the attachment of What I did. Let me knw , if its right or wrong
Financial Planning & Analysis Model for Training
Hello, I just began my Anaplan training (level 1) and am looking for the Financial Planning & Analysis model they keep referencing but cannot locate it on my company's Anaplan site and cannot find anywhere to download it within the training. Can anyone assist?
Workflow capability
Is Anaplan Workflow included in the base subscription cost, or is it a separate module with an additional fee?
Level 2 Sprint 1 Create Build Region Saved View
In the instructions, it says to include Code and items. However, i don't see items anywhere. See screenshot below. Please advise!
How can I find Line item ids?
Using the following: https://us1a.app.anaplan.com/2/0/workspaces/Workspace ID/models/Model ID/files to retrieve file ids. One can substitute "modules", "processes" for files to get those ids. Is there a way to line item ids?
Snowflake Integration : Anaplan Connect with Private key
Hi All Anaplan connect is unable to extract private key while making a JDBC connection to snowflake. Error says “Try setting the JVM argument: -Dnet.snowflake.jdbc.enableBouncyCastle=TRUE” I believe I am using the supported version of Java (v8) & the latest version of Anaplan connect(4.2.1). I have converted.p8 to .pem…
3.3.12 Activity: Create Product Replenishment UX Page
Hi, I hope someone can assist please. I'm stuck at below task, not sure what have I done wrong in setting-up 'Planning Period Filter' month selection setting to sync against the desired objective of "Select he months you wish to view. Then, click Refresh to apply the Planning Period Filter". Instead of showing data for the…
How to optimize space in Anaplan by unifying versions without affecting the production model?
Hello everybody! We are working on optimizing a model in Anaplan with the goal of freeing up more space. For this, we are evaluating the possibility of eliminating some versions that are not in use and unifying them into more functional versions. Currently, the model includes many versions, such as FPC 2022 - I and FPC…
Is there a way to get current user value in a line item for a module that does not have user dimen
Is there a way to get current user value in a line item for a module that does not have user dimension
Lesson 8.5.3
I am on my way to finish the Level 1 Model Building Training and I am in Lesson 8.5.3 and I am not able to rearrange the dimensions in the REV02 Volume Inputs model to the target screenshot. The Mapping failed… Help, please….Shalini
Numbers multiplying by 5 times when imported
Hi all, I have an issue which I never had before and hoping someone might help. I am doing a module to module import within the same model. And when I do that my numbers from source model are multiplying by 5 times in destination model. For example if the source number is 20 then the number becomes 100 in destination…
Cutover activities: Things to do before UAT and before go-live
Author: Nikitha Kumar is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Sr. Principal Solution Architect at Anaplan. Cutover activities are the tasks that are performed to transition from DEV environment to UAT or PROD environment. In the delivery lifecycle, cutover activities are done twice: UAT cutover activities are done…
Level 3, model building
Hello, I created INPUT1 module to add stretch goal % per country by all products. However, even I select specific products the percentage works fine (I can adjust the percentage) but upon selecting to all products it grays out and won't let to change the percentage. please advise. Thanks, Farhad G.
Help me to solve this problem .(6.6.3 Activity: Add Formulas to Time Settings Module)
Incorrect Correct
Convert Period to text
Hi all, I just had another query related to my previous one. with the help of an expert I was able to capture the next month on my time system settings. Now I need to capture the Time period into text formatted line item. i need to convert the line item Month text 2 into text formatted for Month (text 2)+1 line item. so…
Get count of total records in list without top level.
Hey Anaplanners, can somebody help me how can I get the total numbers of records in a list given that list does not contains top level?
UX Duplicate App
Is the duplicate app function still available? I'm trying to copy an app to reference it for a different model, but I can't find the option. Could this be due to access restrictions? Thanks for your help.
Maintaining Month Names in English for Anaplan Import Across Different Regional Settings
Hola Anaplanners, I'm encountering an issue where month names in an Excel file change based on regional settings. When I export data from Anaplan, the month names display in English (e.g., "May-25"). However, when my client (who uses Dutch regional settings) opens the file, the month names are automatically converted to…
Data is not getting updated into Production model through integration
Hi Team, I am having issue regarding the updating the records into the production model via integration and action is marked as production data. In test, data is getting updated correctly with same action but in prod action is running but records are not getting updated. Anyone can advise on this issue please? Thanks…
Map chart Issue
I have recently used the Map card based on Client requirements for a country to see the Revenue by State, i have downloaded the GLCodes for a country from anapedia and Created the Module with Dimension and Necessary Data Points for Showcase it didn't work in one workspace also i created same Process in another Workspace it…
How to change date format DD MMM YYYY
Hi, I have a date formatted line item (example: 4/1/2020) - this is in mm/dd/yyyy format However, i want to show as 1 April 2020 or 1 Apr 2020. How do I do that?
Round Function
It would be great when using the Number of Decimal Places in the Round function if Anaplan rounded to the number of decimal places asked and it stayed rounded when going up the hierarchy. The summary is set to "SUM". For example, I have five children members with a formula ROUND(Value $ * value %, 2) function. Each of the…
How to download Pages using API
Hi, I have created a Page and I am able to export it from the UI. I need help to download the same page using an API. I am not able to find the right API for this. Please assist. Regards
NUX - Expand / Collapse Page dropdown selector
Similar to old UX, Hierarchical List of items within the page selector should be able to expand and collapse. This feature in old UX is very handy when you have a lot of list items with multiple hierarchies. In the NUX, it gets pretty difficult to select items when there are a significant number of list items you need to…
Collapse List Items in Drop Down
We currently have some lists with a large amount of items. It would improve usability if there was an option to collapse list items in a drop down for easier navigation.
Freeze Panes by Default on UX Pages
I would like the ability to set certain rows or columns on UX pages as "frozen" by default. As of 2023 end users can select certain columns or rows to freeze, but it would be a major improvement to be able to have those frozen panes apply to all users.
Driving business transformation with Alessio Pagliano — Journey | Anaplan Community Podcast
Tune in today for a conversation on driving business transformation as a CoE Leader! We welcome Alessio Pagliano (@Alessio_Pagliano) to Journey, an Anaplan Community podcast along with host Dennis Lemoine (@DennisL), Director of Customer Engagement & Experience. Alessio has been in the Anaplan ecosystem for seven years,…
2023 Certified Master Anaplanner Certification Verification
The Certified Master Anaplanner Program issues personalized, verifiable credentials for every Certified Master Anaplanner (CMA). An individual’s status as a CMA can only be validated by a combination of their name and their unique credential ID, both of which appear on their certificate. You can find their credential ID…