Management Reporting Spell Checker
Would it be possible to get a Management Reporting Spell Checker feature like what Microsoft apps currently have for commentary boxes.
Is there anyway to provide a notification to the user
Hi team, I want to create an automatic notification system. as you can see in below screen, there is a module with week time dimension and delta line item (difference of actual data vs forecast data). so, I want to notify the user via email whenever the delta Boolean is true ? How to create this in anaplan?
I can only get the model list for the default tenant
I am trying to retrieve the list of models using the Anaplan API, but I can only get the model list for the default tenant. Is there a way to switch tenants using the API only? Additional Information: ・API Version: Integration API v2.0 ・Authentication Method: Basic Authentication ・API Request c url -X POST --user…
Year in review: My 5 favorite 2024 Anaplan releases
Author: Chad Frantz is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Technical Associate at Alpha FMC. Here we are at the end of another year. A perfect time to look back and reflect on what’s happened and where things are going. As we’ve become accustomed to in the Anaplan environment, that includes looking at the updates and…
How I Built It: Football Survivor tool
Author: Ryan Rist is an Anaplan Solution Architect at General Atlantic. Hello Anaplanners! I’m happy to share my ‘How I Built It’ tutorial today; a fun football game/tool. Football Survivor is a competition where people select one team per week. If that team wins, they move on. If that team loses, they are knocked out.…
9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module
I am trying to add the below formula to the line item (Unit Price %) in the REV05 Price Growth Rates Staging module and I keep getting the an error message 'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Price%[LOOKUP: 'SYS04 Location Details'.Country, LOOKUP: 'SYS06 Product Details'.Product Family] The error message I am receiving is…
Add the Ability to Set Line Item Format Defaults
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Oftentimes my clients or I as a model builder have line item format preferences that are different than the existing default. For…
Register for our January 28 platform release webinar!
Anaplan's next quarterly platform release webinar will be held January 28, 2025 at 8 a.m. Pacific Time. During this session, we will explore our latest platform releases and discover how to streamline your workflows and achieve new levels of efficiency. Our expert-led session will equip you with a practical guide and live…
Description of the page in the main menu
Hello having the possibility to add more info about a page, in addition of its title, would be very useful for the users: they could know rapidly what's behind, or to what the report corresponsds to. thank you
Export data source as a new tab
Unless the model builder names the saved views appropriately, it's often difficult to trace the source object of an export action. It currently indicates only the list name or the module name, but if we can have a tab for 'Exports' similar to 'Imports', to indicate if the source of export action is a module default view or…
Importing data in list
I have just started L1 module and I am unable to understand the manual data import in a list. Can anyone please help
Level 2 - Sprint 3 - INV01 Results Differences
Hello - Is it normal to have small discrepancies in numbers, between my results and what's in Review the INV01 Line Item Formulas and Summary Method settings. In the attached screen shot, I have not accounted for the different summary methods yet. Example (Submit Purchase Order Receipt check box is selected): - Beginning…
Compatibility of prod and Dev models
There is a development model DEV24 using which production model PROD24 was created. Now I have created PROD25 model from PROD24. If I create DEV25 using DEV24, would PROD25 and DEV25 be compatible with each other?
モデルAにある時間形式のラインアイテムをもとに、モデルBからその日付の各製品の在庫数値をインポートするにはどうするのがいいでしょうか。 思いついたのは、、 Bで、Aの日付をインポート Bで、その日付だけの保存済みビューを作成 Aからインポート
Lookup or anyother ways
Is there any way to lookup or connect the "Distribution Center" from the second table with the first table? thanks
Assistance with Locating the Level 2 Exam
I hope this message finds you well. Could you kindly assist me in locating the Level 2 Exam? Since the Anaplan Academy training platform update on December 3, I have been unable to find the exam for Level 2. If you could share the URL or provide guidance, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
Level 3 Sprint 1 Import
Its regarding Level 3: Sprint 1 : User Story says " Import the Financial Forecast data from the Level 1 FP&A model" I have used the "Baseline+Financial+Forecast.csv" file. I am struggling with the import mapping "Time" and "Baseline Financial Forecast" portion. I keep getting failed errors regarding date format…
OAuth認証を使用したAnaplan Connectの使い方
こんにちは!初投稿です! タイトル通り、OAuth認証を使用したAnaplan Connectの使い方を学んだので、ここで共有できればと思います。 早速本題に入りますが、Anaplan Connectをベーシック認証で使用する場合、スクリプトファイル内にAnaplan ログインID/PWの入力が必要です。
しかし、OAuth認証を使用すればその記述が不要になります。 以下、手順になります。 前提 ・OS:Windows ・ベーシック認証方法でAnaplanにログイン ・Anaplan Connectインストール済み 参考:Anaplan Connect Quick Start Guide - Windows Installation…
Displaying your data as a Calendar view
Problem Statement Ever wonder how to display your data in a calendar format in Anaplan or simply just want to have a color-coded display based on a specific alert/indicator in a calendar form? Step-by-step guide We just need 2 simple lists Day of Week and Week Number to start with. Then we need 2 modules Day of Week…
ability to add sub categories in apps
Currently the NUX allows to create a category to sort pages It would be helpful to build a tree with categories, sub categories and then pages. Preferably multiple levels of categories (3,4 ,5 , ...) but at least 1 extra would be already be helpful. Thanks,
Make Selected Line Item in Blueprint View the Default Selected Line Item in Standard View
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: This is a small quality-of-life improvement suggestion. When working in blueprint mode, oftentimes when I am making updates to a…
Add Export and Clear Action Data to Imports Tab
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: When analyzing existing actions, I find it very useful to copy/paste the "Imports" tab in the "Actions" section of the model into…
How do I know the source of an import action?
For an import action, we can easily tell which modules / list the target will be. But how do we know which source is it taking from? I can't seem to find it easily available in the action tab. Thanks!
Title on a worksheet
Hi all would it possible to insert a text field above a worksheet in order to give a rapid explanation on how to work with it, instead of expanding the insight panel to display a text card?
TopLevelを持つリストでSUMをするときに、なぜデフォルトのTimeではできないのでしょうか? SUMの条件として指定するTimeだとできない理由は何ですか? (Propertyやカスタムカレンダを作成したTimeの値は使用できました。)
上記のようにProductとFactoryごとに最大日付を算出したいです。 現状:以下のように1つのマッピングでは成功中 ・source module.Date[MAX: Product] ・source module.Date[MAX: Factory] 理想:source module.Date[MAX: Product, MAX: Factory] エラー内容:The formula for ーーーー is invalid: source module.Date[MAX: Product, MAX: Factory] どのようにすれば2つのマッピングで日付の最大値を取れますか
How to have same function as Excel (Index Match) Shipping Line Items Shipping Method: Show the standard shipping method for the SKU. Shipping Time Weeks: Show the shipping time associated with the shipping method. What formula can show the distribution center is Paris when beginning inventory is more than 1.
Rank descending out of order
Sorry I don't have a screenshot for this. I think work is blocking the upload. I have two RANK line items. I need one ascending and once descending. This is the formula for the first one. It's ranking the five items that have the Include in Variance Rank? boolean 1-5. RANK(Volume Weighted Variance Over Defined Months,…
Ending the year with our Community Bosses — Journey | Anaplan Community Podcast
What’s that you say — 2024 is almost over?! I truly cannot believe we’re at the part of the year where we reflect on our personal and professional growth and look at what we want to accomplish in 2025. I’ve not tackled that task yet, but I’m so excited to share that three of our Community Bosses have and they are here…
Ensure community members are fully on top of new enhancements (improving comms and alerts)
As a community member I like/need to be on top of any new enhancements that are made available. Most recently it seems the strategy, alerting, comms has changed and it's more complicated to be on top of new enhancements, plan, test and deploy them as quickly as we would love to. Could we improve the comms by creating a…