Model Copy and Archive through Actions
Many of the projects have a recurring activity of Model copy and Archive every month and there are many processes before and after them which can be automated through the execution of Actions/Process and can be triggered by cloud-works or similar integration tools. I would love if the Anaplan comes up with a action which…
How could I see the new management reporting option when I click the "Create a page" button in UX?
This question has been asked many times by clients and internal Anaplan users. So the prerequisite is to ensure that the user account in question has the Page Builder role. If it doesn't, this is how we can ensure the Page Builder role is assigned:…
How can I create a dependent drop-down that filters a K3 list based on the selected K1 context?
I want to create a dependent drop-down list within a hierarchy in Anaplan. I need a line item formatted as a list (K3), which represents the lowest level of the hierarchy. The goal is for users to select one of these K3 list items, but I also have a context selector on the page set to the highest level of the hierarchy…
A refresher of L1 and L2 Trainings
Hello people, I wanted help in getting a refresher of the L1 and L2 trainings, I am asking for such because I had completed Anaplan L1 and L2 in the year 2022 but due to some unfortunate reasons I was not able to use and practice Anaplan for more than a year , I am ready to dive in again and start learning again , I am not…
what example(s)?
i am currently busy with Level 2 and have found now quite a few of these that says "like this example" ,but where is it? we are expected to comply with the steps but how can we if its not well documented?
Single Sign-On(SSO)の設定
こんにちは! Anaplanカスタマーサクセスの木村です。 今回はAnaplanでのSingle Sign-On(SSO)の設定についてご紹介させていただきます。 Anaplan 管理者(Tenant Security Admin)は、Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 認証プロトコルを使用してSSO アクセスの環境を設定できます。 設定手順を資料にしていますのでご活用ください。
Bulk Copy Action - Line Item Input
Great addition this past weekend with the Bulk Copy Action so that it can be tied to a process. As another enhancement to this feature - it would be great if the model builder can set line item values to drive the input - similar to the update current period action released prior.
Allow for line item subset to be more than just number formatted
Description of the enhancement required: Line Item Subsets are often used to build filter modules, as an alternative to using the Show/Hide functionality. Using a Boolean against a Line Item Subset on a filter module makes it very easy to select which columns should be shown or hidden on a dashboard. An example of the…
Anaplan Academy is getting an upgrade!
New look, new features, and a better learning experience! We're thrilled to announce that our Anaplan learning hub, Anaplan Academy, is getting a major upgrade! That's right, we've been hard at work behind the scenes to make your learning journey smoother, more engaging, and tailored to your needs. What you can expect with…
Workflow - Add Machine task on Reject
As a workflow builder, I want to have the possibility to add a machine task after a reject, so that I can run a process or write data. For example: A Decision task can end on Reject. Afterwards, it should run a process/task, specifically designed for rejection (Import Item, write task, run Anaplan Process). This…
Composite hierarchies List and Production Data
Hello Everyone, I recently took over the model development from a previous team, and I'm looking into optimisation options. One issue I came across has to due with Composite hierarchies List used for Selective Access, as per the example below: G1 Group - Used for Selective Access - Set as Production Data - No changes in…
Refresh records on the basis of dropdown
Hi Team, I have two Cards with different sources, one one card, i have a dropdown where user can select a value(not a dimension of that module, it is a picklist) and for other card, grid displays the data according to the value selected. Source module for both modules is different. Every time user selects an item from…
How to import data from future periods only
I want to import data from one model into another, but only for future periods i.e. don't import the historical data. I match on Time but have no way to remove the past periods data from the import selections. Is this possible?
Is there a way to copy the APPS without deleting mypage?
My site is operated with 2 models and 2 Apps. 1.Dev Model - Dev Apps with no mypage 2.Prod Model - Prod Apps with mypage by enduser Dev to Prod copy procedure: SYNC from Dev Model to Prod Model Duplicate Dev Apps to Prod Apps (New Prod Apps) and change model (Old Prod Apps will be deleted) In this case, Mypage will be…
モデリング関連の機能アップデート ・モデルエンジンに応じた、Anapediaコンテンツの表示 Polarisも機能アップデート ・オンデマンド計算のパフォーマンス向上 ・非時間軸のコンテキストシフト機能 New UXの機能アップデート ・チャートにおける軸ラベルの書式設定
Mmt Reporting - notes commentary boxes
In management reporting it would be really useful for end users to have the ability to make notes for presentation - similar to the notes function at the bottom of PPT slides that allows users to add a commentary that doesn't appear in the presentation/pdf version.
Is there a feature for Dynamic page numbering in Management Reporting?
Is it possible to get dynamic page numbering in Management reporting (similar to PowerPoint functionality) based on ordering of slides? Currently the only way we have found to update slide numbering is to add a manual text box to each page in the report.
Management Reporting - Undo/Redo buttons
In management reporting can we get an undo button? Allows you to undo accidents made during editing
Management reporting commentary boxes - size by version
In management reporting is it possible to link commentary boxes to versions? e.g. Version A may have lots of commentary about revenue and very little on COGS, Version B has little on Rev and lots on COGS - this will make our report spacing look awkward.
Ability to mask or sanitize all of the Production Data within a model
I would like to be able to easily mask all Production Data within a model. Currently, this involves a lot of manual effort. For example, replacing all names with fake names, and all numbers with fake numbers. Being able to do this is useful for a couple of different purposes: * If I need to have Anaplan Support take a copy…
Hide/Unhide an APP instead of Pages
Currently do not have a feature to hide an unwanted/In progress APP to not show it when end users login. Currently we can only Delete or manage the access to page level. Which is a daunting task if we have more than 10 pages.
Mmt Reporting - Allow grouping of cards
In management reporting, when you highlight a group of cards and then stretch them to fit the page, they can become overlapped, would be good that when you change the page size it changes accordingly or when you change dimensions of cards they also act accordingly. Similar to the 'group objects' in paint.
Mmt Reporting - defining card position
In management reporting can we define the position of cards e.g. option to enter x mm from top left / top right, similar to PPT positioning?
Mmt Reporting - Availability of Grid card templates
Any grid card saved template cannot by used on a Mmt reporting page. Is it possible to have templates tat are shared between dashboards and management reports?
Mmt Reporting - Ability to define height and width of cards
When updating cards in management reporting is it possible to dictate the size of the boxes (similar to PPT), page builders need to stretch dimensions rather than keying them in directly.
Hey Members, Hope you all are good in all spirits! I am a new Independent Learner and have been going through the website to understand the best practices. I do not want to re-invent the wheel again😊 Hence seeking your help to understand the best practices and where do I start as a Independent learner. As of now I am into…
Mmt reporting - greater formatting variety for text boxes
Highlighting, bolding, underlining text, adding text commentary & re-ordering pages without entering edit mode. MR Contributors can apply formatting to the page, but without it being a page edit - this would allow users to replicate standard mgmt. report deck production (highlighting/bolding etc. of key points). This would…
Mmt reporting - new user role for management reporting contributors
Is it possible to have different types of page builder access? End users may want to move boxes around depending on commentary - ideally we would not want to give them full page builder access. New user role, like page editor, but is only applicable for Management Report pages
Mmt Reporting - End User Ability Review Text Box/notes
In management End User Ability to make notes/review feature like what Microsoft apps currently have. This will enable users to comment and query with other users in one place. This is currently possible in dashboard pages
Do we have any alternative way for TRIM function in Polaris model.