Anaplan Informatica Hyperconnect
Hi Is Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL Connector for Informatica cloud available with Anaplan Hyperconnect?
Did You Know? Model building hacks
Author: Kirill Kuznetsov is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Solution Architect at Planingo. Hi fellow Anaplanners, Today I would like to share six model building hacks I use on a daily basis. This is not what can be found in Anaplan learning course — some of them I figured out myself, some are hidden in Anapedia, and…
Anaplan Connect 400 error
Manually upload file works but run process with Anaplan Connect gets an error Who knows the reason? C:\Users\admin>C:\Anaplan\Batch\AnaplanClient.bat -keystore "C:\Anaplan\Certificate\keystore.jks" -keystorepass "xxxxxxx" -keystorealias "xxxxx" -workspace "workspaceid" -model "modelid" -service " https://api.anaplan.com"…
Adding an export button to the Users page in Administration section for Tenant admins.
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: How often is this impacting your users? Who is this impacting? (ex. model builders, solution architects, partners, admins,…
How to get the model size using the API?
I'm currently using the Anaplan API with the Anaplan Client to send and receive API requests. I wanted to get the size of all the models and this is the code I am using: set Operation=-debug -service %ServiceUrl% -auth %AuthUrl% -models Output : Now, the output is displayed directly in cmd. Is there any way to get the…
Question 6 in level 1 model building exam
Could anyone who has finished the exam show me the formula for question 6? I failed 2 questions for this part. I think I just need to refer the relevant numbers from another module and apply selections, and then it could be done. However, my way didn't work. Here's my formulas. Thanks very much!
Filtering based on initial 2 letters
I want to apply filter for users based in initial 2 letters of data. So, if initial letters contain say (ac or bd) then user group A shall be able to see only data having initial letters ac and user group B shall be able to see only data having initial letters bd. Any suggestions on approach , please?
Cloudwork Data source file from subdirectory in S3 bucket
Hi, We tried to connect data source in subfolder of S3 bucket, through existing cloudworks connection with same AWS S3 bucket. However, no luck so far even not able to see the sub-folder or the csv file under the sub-folder, in the cloudwork setup i.e. link data source in process. Not 100% sure if couldworks is able to see…
Facing issue in column separator
Hi everyone, In the source we are using pipe to separate the columns .In anaplan i have created action using .csv file and now changing the column separator from import data source ans using "|" instead of column. For some data element this is working fine but in few in module i dont see any data. also when open the action…
Activity : Filtering and Displaying Hierarchical Data
I want to create an interactive anaplan module that allows user to select an item from a hierarchical list and dynamically display associated items from the next level in the hierarchy Lists : P1 Product Family ( LVL 1) P2 Products ( LVL 2) P3 Products SKU ( LVL 3) Requirement : When a level 1 item is selected , display…
What after Level-2
Hello I just finished my Level-2 Model building , as of now I cannot land a job or do freelance work until I master model building , but for that I need some guidance 1)How to practice model building , resources or sample models I can work on 2)How to build a good profile around model building I am very eager to practice…
ユーザーエクスペリエンス Geo-Mapping ・境界コードへのライン アイテムの使用 Workflow ・新しいビルダー モード - デフォルトで全ユーザーが利用可能 ・マルチページ タスク ・折りたたみ可能なタスク パネル ・階層タスクの代替レポート ビュー ・改善されたコンテキスト同期オプション ・CSV エクスポートに含まれているタスクへのコメント ・Workflow 使用状況ダッシュボード プランニング&モデリング モデリング ・新しいモジュール インベントリの追加データ セキュリティ Administration ・招待メールの再送
Time is missing as Context Selector
I am actually building a UX page following the instructions given in 3.4.4 Activity in which I create grids from saved views, but Time is missing as context selector on the top right corner which end user should be able to filter. PS: there's not filter applied in the grid nor the saved module views Could anyone advise…
Creating iterations in Anaplan
Hey Everyone, I'm trying to find a solution in an excel sheet that utilizes an iteration function that I need to replicate in Anaplan. Basically, we take the previous number multiply it by 90%, then take that new number and multiply it again by 90%. For example, FY2024 is 28,940 FY2025 is 26,046 FY2026 is 23,441 (etc etc…
Anaplan 90 day free workspace to personal ID
Hi Team, I have completed Anaplan Way certification and applied for 90 days free workspace to complete L1&L2, for this 8 days have passed. Let me know how to check the status of application
Separate into Several models
Hi. We will start a new project. In previous project, we made 1 model in 1 workspace. Off course, we have several models like (sand, test, Production model). It means we had several information in 1 model like (HR, Marketing so on..). Then, we can make separate models like HR model and Marketing models ? And We can share…
Level 2 Sprint 3
I am confused about what they are asking for in this section. The instructions say to Add DCA to INV01, which I did. But then there is a formula hint. I went back to Sprint 2 and rewatched the video for DCA. There was a quick reference saying you could add a formula line to the Access module. Is that what the directions…
L2 3.4.4 Stock Exception Review Dasboard
Hi Team, I am getting a disparity in the numbers visible in the 3rd grid vs values in first two grids. Ideally the value should be flowing through these grids. Can someone point out what I could be doing wrong here? Please refer the attached screenshot.
Need to know if we can take out some GB from 1 workspace and put that space into different workspace
Hi, I have a question where I want to split out like 30 GB from one of my workspace and put that 30 GB into different workspace. Current Situation Workspace 1= 130 GB Workspace 2= 300 GB Required Situation Workspace 1 = 160 GB Workspace 2= 270 GB If its possible how can we do this. Thanks
How to Split A Model into Two Separate Models
Hello All, Our current model is about to hit the max workspace size of 130GB, so we divided it into two models based on the region. Imagine having 1000 stores, and creating a new model with 500 stores. My question is how to remove those 500 stores in the new model from the original model. What are the best practices and…
Compare two lines items from different modules
Hello This is my problem. I have a line item A in one module dimensioned by "Depense" list. And I have the line item B in another module dimensioned by "Achat" list. I want to compare if A = B then the item of the list Achat become the parent of the item of the list Depense. I cannot pull any finditem. Is there a way to do…
User Access Management: Part 3 - Practice makes perfect!
This is a detailed walk-through (and a downloadable link to a practice model!) that you can follow to get started on your UAM journey. Note that the examples here leverage the Bulk API for adding new users to models. If you have enabled the tenant-level option to Manage users in Administration only, then you will need to…
Driver Line Item for Action Button
I have condition in card where user can input negative value. But when the value is negative, the button will disable to click. I have data Product as Context Selector, Time Period Month in Column, and Line Item to input Order Quantity Review in Row. User will input number of order quantity review, but when the value is…
Expand and collapse items in a grid
As an mobile builder and as an end-user I want to expand and collapse hierarchy rollups and line item summaries So that I can more easily consume grid data.
New UX - Allow for Expand and Collapsing of Hierarchies in Context Selectors (like Classic UX)
In the Classic UX, users were able to view a hierarchy with everything collapsed and then were able to choose which portion of the hierarchy they wanted to view by selecting the (+) expand button on each node. In the new UX, everything starts expanded and has caused our planners to become quite frustrated with the…
Publish Subsidiary View to the Excel add-in
Our users are using the excel add-in to link to offline files for forecasting inputs. Currently, we cannot use a subsidiary view in the excel add-in, which is making it impossible to forecast a few items using subsidiary views through the add-in. Seems like this would be a useful enhancement. excel, add-in, subsidiary view
Implementing Polaris: Lessons learned
Author: Philipp Erkinger, Certified Master Anaplanner and Principal Solution Architect at Bedford Consulting. There are days in your professional career where you get to observe something special. October 20, 2022 was such a day, when I received access to a Polaris workspace to build a model proof of concept. Having worked…
Data Write Actions and Model Roles access
Hi, I have a Data write action where the user should be able to write a date and its user in 2 line items. However, UX says she doesn't have permission to execute the action. My user's role has access to both lists and module where the data write action should be executed, and line items have not DCA in place. Line Items…
Lookup on Parent elements
ello anaplan Community, Hello anaplan Support, we stumbled upon a problem that seems to us like a functional error of anaplan. Example Setup: List "List_A": * A * B * C * D * E List "List_B" * a* aa * bb * b * c * d * e Module "Module_A" Lists: "List_A" Line-Items: * Value_B: Formula: B_Module.Value[LOOKUP: Lookup_B] *…
New Data collection in planIQ if the horizon is updated?
If the horizon for a data collection is changed, is it needed to: re-run the data assembly? retrain the forecast model? Or create a new data collection?