API for credentials reset for Non-SSO accounts
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Rotation of credentials for Non-SSO system generic accounts via API/Console How often is this impacting your users? Every quarter to…
If you're looking for an affordable and effective solution, the Kmarketing agency is the perfect option for you. They specialize in providing top-quality digital marketing companies that can help your website rank higher on search engines.
Design Review & Experience Requirement for becoming a Certified Master Anaplanner
In the Anaplan Platform Certification Path there is a box that says 'Design Review & Experience Requirement' after Level 3 training. What does this entail? I have a client wanting to know the requirements so they can add it to their goals.
How do I get a line item to stop defaulting to the working forecast version?
I have a line item in a module that keeps defaulting to the VERSION.Working Forecast of a value. We have four versions: Budget, Working Forecast, Actual, Forecast For some reason when I use the SELECT function it keeps defaulting back to the working forecast version. This is the current formula: I tried to fix it by adding…
New UX - Ability to apply complex filter to the page selector
Hi team, It would be great to have the ability to apply not only one dimension filter to the page selectors. Currently, if I have two lists (dymentions) in the page selector I cannot do the selection for one of them dependent on the other. See an example: I want to have 'UoM' selection based on 'P6 x Customer L5' list…
4.6.7 Activity: Import Data into P2 Products List
Let me know what am I doing wrong here. getting different result while importing.
How to avoid result negative when running Optimizer
I Want to solve Linier program issue using Anaplan optimizer. I have following all scenario from anapedia. But one of result show negative value like picture (Red Rectangle) Now my question is, how to setting variable result to avoid negative value??? ———————————————————————————————————————— if you curious about Liner…
- Beginning Inventory
Hello, I am getting an error on beginning inventory it does not make sense I used the formula builder, if anyone can help. This is Error Message: The formula for 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Beginning Inventory is invalid: Beginning Inventory = IF Not 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.1st Week of Timescale Then Previous (Ending…
4.6.6 Activity: Import Data into P1 Product Family List
What is the source P1 Product family, Parent and Code in 4.6.6 Activity: Import Data into P1 Product Family List and how it is mapped. Please help with the information.
ITEM function in module with Line Item Subset
Hi All, I have a module that has line item subset as one of the dimensions.. Cost Center, Time, and Line item subset. The line item subset has three members, A, B and C. You can have input on them, however, C is the total of A and B. If it was a regular list, I would have the something like —- IF ITEM(LineItemsubset) =…
Level 2 Model Building: Sprint 1 SYS07 Mapping
I can't figure out the correct mapping for this import? I have attached the mapping that I am currently trying, the output that I get in grid view and the output I should be getting according to the Anaplan training answer key. Please let me know what the correct mapping is please!
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV 01 Beginning Inventory Line item
All, I am getting a question in the Exam incorrect: "In the Supply Chain model, INV01 Inventory Ordering module, enter the formula for the Beginning Inventory line item:" I have tried both the below formulas, and get an incorrect result both times. IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Week of Timescale' = FALSE THEN…
Add API Endpoints for exporting History, Users and Roles from the model
Hello! There are many opportunities in Anaplan API, but still there are possibilities for development. Me and my team think that it would be very convenient to be able to export model history, users page and roles page (accesses to modules, versions, actions, etc.). I know that it is possible to create export actions with…
API Should be Available for Model History Logs
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Use Case: - All anaplan logs should go to central logging solution like Splunk etc. Problem: - No direct API available for model…
Custom Switchover
Hi, I want to build a custom switchover for Fake version/List I created separately (Actual, Forecast, Rolling Forecast) I created a custom switchover time period 2. Then I created a custom switchover period 3. Next, I have the module where I want to apply the formula, however its showing Circular references: values Result…
How I Built It: Replacing the "group by" function of Excel in Anaplan
About the Author: Damien Bouquier has been a Certified Master Anaplanner for 5+ years and has developed solutions across a wide range of industries for FP&A, supply chain, and sales operations planning use cases. Hi Anaplan Community! Excel allows you to group and ungroup data areas to explore the data. Anaplan does not…
Creation of a report with two source model
Hello, I need to create a report with two differentes model sources, to compare them. I have already created the same module in the two source models. Now i need to visualise both of them in the same report. Can someone help me with this please ? Thank you
Display photos in Excel format from Anaplan link
As an end user, I have pictures URL in Anaplan that are displayed well in the App. Sometimes, I need to export my datas and I would like to display the photos in Excel and not the URL link. Solution : Add a display feature when I export my data on how to display my URL in my target file
UX - App Page Management Update
Looks like you no longer need to do app management at a super granular level (time consuming and frustrating) but can do it at a User Role level for add, delete, override. Not sure how long it's been live but have only noticed it in the last couple of days. Here's the Anapedia…
NUX - Field Cards Conditional Formatting
Hi Team, It would be helpful if we have the ability to apply Conditional Formatting to FIELD based cards in the NUX. At the moment, we are using a grid card with the view having conditional formatting. Thanks Sathya
model to model import : Failed to locate model
Hello Anaplanners, I am working on a deployed model and i am getting this error when i tried to model to model import data : 'Failed to locate model ' Can anybody help me on this. I am attaching the snip below FYI : I am having full access and admin access to both the models. THANK YOU 🙂
Minesweeper: How we Built it?
Do you remember the good old days when we used to play games like Solitaire, Minesweeper, Pin Ball, Checkers, etc in your big and bulgy desktop? Oh! Those were the golden times of youth, even though we cannot match the high-end technological development in graphics, storyline, real life game play, regular updates but the…
Anaplan UX Page Builders permissions
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding Anaplan UX. Is it possible in Anaplan to let Page Builders users create pages (available to all users in app) but restrict them the possibility to modify specific UX Pages already existing? I would like Page Builders to not modify a specific set of existing pages but allow them to…
Keeping the length of the record constant
I am looking for a solution to keep the length of the record constant to 10 digits. For ex if I have 7 records like this 1) 1234567 2) 123456 3) 12345 4) 1234 5) 123 6) 12 7) 1 Then I need to achieve 1) 0001234567 2) 0000123456 3) 0000012345 4) 0000001234 5) 0000000123 6) 0000000012 7) 0000000001. I can achieve this in…
Anaplan Statusページについて
Anaplan Statusページの概要説明となります。 Anaplanプラットフォーム/コミュニティサイト/ラーニングセンターの稼働状況はStatusページより確認可能です。Subscribeすることにより、定期的なプラットフォームメンテナンス予定の通知や障害発生時など稼働状況に変化があった際の通知をメールで受信できます。 Statusページの通知を受信 / 停止登録する方法などまとめておりますのでご確認ください。 ・Statusページとは ・Statusページの通知を受信登録する方法 ・Statusページの通知を停止登録する方法 ・appendix
Cloudworks process from different model in NUX Page
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: We have one core model with multiple deployed models and so when we create a Cloudworks process, it's one by model deployed. When we…
Does Transactional APIs supports data query?
Hi, I'm new to the Anaplan platform and I'm working on Transactional APIs to consume data from a model and view. I'm using the API collection from the docs and the following endpoint to get data - {{int_v2_base_url}}/2/0/models/{{modelId}}/views/{{viewId}}/data?format=v1 I'm not able to find any examples online on how can…
- Level 2 Model Building: Sprint 1. What is the correct way to Map this.
I'm confused by this e rror
Copy a branch to another Parent.
I want to Copy a branch to another Parent. The hierarchy is 5 levels and i want to copy an item at level 3 and all its children to another item under level 2. All suggestions are appreciated!
1.1 Import Shipping Costs from Supply Chain
Level2でImportアクションを使用する箇所でのマッピングに疑問があります。 OTH01 Non Employee ExpensesへShipping costsをインポートするのですが、 なぜ「Fixed line item」ではなく、「Column 2: Line Items」を使用するのでしょうか? そもそも私がインポート定義を理解していないことも原因と考えられます。 参考になるページがあれば追加で教えてほしいです。よろしくお願いします。