Conditional Parameter
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I have a query regarding Anaplan. I have several system modules where I have created unique IDs, each with a different length. In the user experience (UX) part, it's the UX user who chooses the name of the file to import. Then, the ID becomes the File Name + ID. For example, if the ID…
The Truth About Sparsity: Part 2
In part one I defined sparsity, shared how combined hierarchy lists have been a common technique to avoid it, and dispelled some of its associated myths. I also discussed some issues you will encounter when using combined hierarchies. In part two I will discuss the modeling considerations for handling sparsity and the best…
Text to quarter ?
Hello Everyone, what is the best formula that we can use to go from this to this: Txt Period "Format Text" (Example: Q1 FY24) ===> Quarter "Format Quarter" (Example: Q1 FY24)
Boolean to time period
Hi I have a boolean line item checking months from jan-dec 2023 and I have another module which is time period formatted(months).I want a formula that applies to the first module through 2nd module that when a user select months from module 2 then the boolean is checked automatically in module 1.
MIN Function Help
Hi, I'm trying to get the MIN for Customer Tier based on the parent customer of the chain. Any help to understand what I'm doing wrong here? I'm trying to get the specific line items to adopt the MIN, not just the parent. I.e. if the MIN is 2, I want all the child stores to equal 2. Thus in the example below, all stores…
L1 Help — 9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module
Hi there everyone! I am stuck on L1 9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module. I am not getting an error, but my data in the REV04 Price Growth Rates module is not moving forward into REV05, even though I am using the lookup formulas the lesson provided, and I can see that REV05 is accessing the…
Line Item 'Held or Revised' and 'To change' in Level 3 Sprint 1
Hi Community, I am confused how to approach the line item Held or Revised and To Change in my TAR02 module in my Sales Planning Model. What does these line items mean? I did some experiments with these but nothing fruitful. For reference, this is part of activity 8.2 of Sprint 1 of Level 3 certification.
Search box in 'Model Management' Dialog Box
Hi, When we click on 'Manage Models' dialog box, we get an option to select a workspace. When we select a workspace, we get a list of models to choose from. But in case there are numerous model in a workspace, then it becomes tedious to search for without a search box. Can we have a search box to filter ? Thanks, Aravind M
- Beginning Inventory, Forecast Demand, and Suggested Order Line Items
Hello, As per the below request, I have added the formulas but how can I check if the result of the formulas I have applied are correct or not?
Horizontal Scroll Bar in UX page is disappearing after moving towards the end of the scroll
This issue is happening when we don't have any dimension in the rows and with flexible list. did any one face this issue? i need to keep my cursor on the left most cell and move towards left to get back the scroll as a workaround.
- Import into DEM01 Module, Import successful but 'All product' list is blank
Actual- Expected-
Horizontal Scroll Bar in UX page is disappearing after moving towards the end of the scroll
This issue is happening when we don't have any dimension in the rows and with flexible list. did any one face this issue? i need to keep my cursor on the left most cell and move towards left to get back the scroll as a workaround.
Show the code instead of the display name in dropdown list
Hello My client does not want to have any display name, just the # generated by anaplan. In the same time, it is very complicated to choose an item in a dropdown list seeing only #s. Is there a method for me to show code of the numbered list ( which is existant ) instead of the #? Thanks
Level 1 Exam - Question 5
I dont know where i'm going wrong.....this is the formula I'm trying to use.... IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus % [LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: ''SYS08 Employee Details'.Role ] ELSE 0
Is there a way to add a universal list to all items in a list?
Hi all, Let's say i have a list of Alphabets A B C D E Could I import another excel of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to this list Alphabets into A 1 2 3 4 5 B 1 2 3 4 5 C 1 2 3 4 5 D 1 2 3 4 5 E 1 2 3 4 5 Thanks
Avoiding the same priority values for different items
Hello everyone, I am facing a wall regarding a dev… Here is the need, i have one table, with a dimension called : Layer 3 This table is published in a dashboard, where users can imput data on the column "Layer L3 Priority" displayed in yellow. Now, i was asked to do the following : "We don't want the user to imput…
Plan IQ
Hi all, i have been facing an issue while doing the set up of PlanIQ (followed the tutorial on Anaplan Academy) I am stuck at the same moment, when it needs to run the Forecast Action. Do you have any ideas on why it is always displaying the same errors ? I was told to put Internal Access the the list i use (but i didn't…
Streamline your marketing efforts: Omnichannel planning and budgeting in Anaplan
Author: Ben Hilgendorf, Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Analyst at Talking Rain Beverage Company®. Anaplan's UX has undergone significant advancements in recent years, enabling businesses to prioritize not only quantitative but also qualitative and process-oriented aspects of planning. Among these, marketing program…
Searching for community members-- functionality removed?
There used to be the ability to search for a name and find community members. Was this moved to another area? If it was removed, why? This helped to facilitate hiring, validations of certifications and more. You can still see someone's profile if you know their username or click through a link on an idea exchange. Please…
Multi-language Pages & Object names
As a model builder I need the ability to create multi-language Pages for end users, who work within global multinational companies and prefer to make the analysis on the basis of information in their native languages. I see this as an additional settings tab within Anaplan, where languages can be added in Languаge List…
Level 2: Importing shipping method from SYS07 Location Details to SYS07 Distribution Center Details
I am not showing any shipping cost for most columns on INV 01 Inventory Ordering because it is not pulling in a default shipping method from SYS07 Distribution Center Details: It seems that I need to import data from the Datahub's SYS07 Location Details module. However, when I try, because SYS07 Distribution Center Details…
L1 Exam Question 4
I am stuck on Question 5 so i went back and I believe it is all caused by not being able to make Role a list that references the roles. It will not allow for this and is making it so that I can't move past question 5. Could someone assist me?
Performance tuning in Anaplan’s Optimizer
Author: Mike Henderson is a Principal Solution Architect at Anaplan. A question recently came up from a customer regarding Anaplan Optimizer, and I thought it would be useful to share the answer with the broader Community. For background, Optimizer uses linear programming to quickly solve complex problems involving…
Can anyone enter Case Portal?
HI all, Starting this year in first autoreply to my tickets from Anaplan Support I receive a note about Case Portal. But when i am trying to go via the link I am getting to a help page instead of the portal Any link in the Community with "Case Portal" description also leads to the same page. Am I the only one or everyone…
"Applies to order" in formulae
Does the order that we list LOOKUP: \ SUM: arguments also need to be consistent with the "applies to" ordering? Logically it would as I believe the reason behind this is to do with how Indexes are built in the background but am uncertain and would love confirmation.
How to sum a previous period value and current period value (multiple times)
Hi all, Have been trying to sum the values from the last week and the current week to obtain a new cumulative value; this value will be the new value to be added to the current week value. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be so easy in Anaplan. WEEK1 I start the first week with one value (layers-actual) and, of course,…
How to add time dimension to existing module
UXのアップデート ガントチャートの強化 動的な通知アクションによるコンテキストセレクターの強化 Geo-Mapping機能の強化 プランニング&モデリング History機能の強化 ユーザーリストの強化 セキュリティ Azure AD統合のSCIM APIキーのリリース
Level 3 - Accounts show in 8.2.1 can not be found in A1Accounts list
Review Level 3 model build recently and looks some content are refreshed. And in 8.2.1/ 8.2.2 shows stories on modification of account targets. Above sample of accounts are not in A1 Accounts list in Level 3 Model. Are these accounts just sample or somewhere can refresh the A1 list? (I download it from Level 3 course just…
I am having trouble with 9.2.6 course. My 5% that I type into REV04 is not mapping over to REV03 like it is supposed to. Even with the formulas completely accurate to what the training asked for. Any tips or things I can do for this?