Open App from NMX
Opening an App page directly in the NMX is a great feature, however, sometimes it is better to open the page directly in the App. I would like the facility to open the App from the Pages screen in the NMX in a similar way to being able to jump to the source module from the NUX.
List report over multiple pages
Hi Folks. Say I have a module containing information (text, dates etc) for a number of list items. I want to add some of this information to a management report, say: List Item | Description | Date | Status 1 First Thing 24/03 Open 2 Second Thing 25/03 Paused ……. I would like to be able to publish this grid to a Management…
Report - Card - Table - Style: Need option to format parent list members
Currently if I have a table card on a report, I cannot easily highlight all the parent list members to specify a format. Would be great if that option was also added along with the line item summaries so that we don't have to manually choose parent nodes for formatting. This is highly unfeasible for a large hierarchy with…
Formatting of Line Item Subsets
Hi Team, The use if LISS is at the backbone of Anaplan best practice yet it generates disappointing module presentation. Whilst the ragged appearance is poor in classic ux it is actually more pronounced in nux. Can we have much more capability in LISS to indent/format akin in Style in normal line items please. If a LISS…
Quarter to Text?
Hello Community, How can i go from the line item Quarter ( Quarter ) to Quarter ( Text ) example : Q3 (Quarter format) to Q3 (Text format) Thank you
New UX - Ability to publish ‘Other Actions’ directly as an action cards.
Being a Page Builder, I would like to be able to publish other actions as a card, not only Imports/Exports/Processes/Forms. Currently, we don't have the equivalent of "Assign" action. As well as Copy Branch or delete a branch.
Add Source Model(s) to Multiple UX Pages
Hi, I feel it would be better if there is a functionality to add Source Model(s) to Multiple UX Pages at once. If already existing, Please share the details. Thanks, Vamsi
User access
Hi friends I need to publish a module to the dashboard, there are about 10 line items in the module. One user should only be able to see the first 3 line items where as other user should be able to see last 4 line items and so on. I need a solution for this problem. Thanks in advance.
- Check Your Work
Hello, I have completed all activities related to formulas. All the results are okay as well but as per one check, it has been asked to select "All Products" in INV01 module. I have used "P3 SKU" and in that "All Product" line is visible but the same is not visible for selection in Module. P3 SKU General List INV01 Module…
- Beginning Inventory
Hello, I have added formula for Beginning Inventory and it is reflecting as well but when I am checking WK5 FY2020 I can see 13000 instead of 4866. So, can anyone help me in this that what is wrong here? Thanks & Regards
Question on Python Update Data
Hi all, I have been seeing the use case of python to run actions and processes. I am wondering if there is a way we can use python to write data into anaplan? (not in form of importing a list but directly writing to it) For output The use case is that I would like to run 100s of scenarios (through changing the inputs)…
Why Subsidery view is not getting applied as filter
Hi, I created a lineitem to use as a filter where it will be true for a particular Business unit. But when we are viewing the lineitem in normal view the boolean is there but not in the subsidery view. Also after applying the filter is UX page it's not working. What could be the reason and how we can fix this?
Transforming technical field officer alignment and quota planning: Anaplan's impact
Author: Aman Gupta is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Sr. Business Solution Consultant at Voiant Group. The integration of Anaplan marked a significant turning point in operational efficiency for our software client. Empowered by advanced data visualization and analysis tools, this consultancy enables IT professionals to…
Synchronize selective acess with line item using selective Access
Hello all, I have been wondering about a functionality with Anaplan. I created a technical list that i added in Selective Acess (in red) Now, i have a module who has a line item with the List Format of my technical List, but the module dimension is using another dimension. I was expecting to see that when i set my line…
Two dimensions and Bi-Monthly Formula
RESOLVED: I am trying to write a Formula for Bi-monthly value which also needs to consider in monthly level into 4 parts 0 - 1000, 1000 - 2000, 2000 - 3000 and 3000 and above Here, I create a custom timeline for Bi-monthly calculation. for example: Jan (1- 15) has 2500 and Jan ( 16 -31 ) has 3100. Hence total Jan has 5600.…
Adding items to numbered list using Create
I want to achieve this but getting a little bit of a problem: * End User can add an item in a number list by clicking a button. * He can choose Product Family from the drop down (Page Selector). * And after that whatever he wrote in Product Name gets imported to the list under the Product Family Selected. I tried using…
Ideas for Landing Page NUX
I am exploring multiple ways to design a landing page in NUX. I am aware that Anaplan has this Navigation Link Action to create a button and give navigation to other pages. But I am more interested in appealing landing pages with custom images. I'm looking forward for some screenshots and cool landing page ideas.
Level 2 Sprint 3 3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review UX Page Review and Check
Hi everyone, I am stuck here. I am confused why my ux grids look a bit different. Can someone point me to the right direction? I wonder if it is caused by different time summary? For example, weeks vs month difference?
Manage Models and Search Archived Models in New Home Page
There are currently two key features missing from the new home page: 1) Manage models option 2) Ability to search archived models I need both features in order to do my job. Until this is added to the new home page, I'll have to switch back to the classic mode every time I need to do do these actions, which will be very…
Insufficient additional memory when importing
I have two modules and I want to import from one to another. I already have the line items created and I have space in the model but when I run the action this appears. Any light on this? Thank you.
Headcount Growth Assumptions Logic
Hi Anaplan Community, I'm working on a growth assumptions module in my Anaplan model and could use some guidance on achieving a specific distribution. Here's the scenario: In my growth assumptions module, I have two line items: Beg HC (Beginning Headcount) and Joiners Percentage Growth. When a percentage growth is entered…
Level 3 Sprint 2(User Story 3.2) QUO04,QUO05,QUO06Moduleの使い方
SYS07 Sales Rep DetailsのTenureを作るためにQUO04,QUO05,QUO06Moduleを使用して計算をすると予想しているのですが、QUO04,QUO05,QUO06Moduleでは何をするべきなのか見当がつきません。情報が少なすぎます。少しでも良いのでヒントをください。 質問1. QUO06の「Start」「End」「Tenure?」の各ラインアイテムは何を指しているのか? 質問2. QUO05の「Code」「Number」だけのラインアイテムは何を目的としたラインアイテムなのか? 質問3. QUO04の「Low」と「High」の意味が分かりません。何についての「Low」と「High」なのですか?
Folders in Archive
It would be great to create folders to group archived models, and to have a more organized view of all archived models.
How to sum the values of specific days of the month. Ex. sum the values of all the mondays.
Hello, I have a requirement for the client to find the ratio of the days of the week over the value of the month. To do this I need to sum for example the value of all the Mondays of the month and then divided by the value of the month. I though about making line items with just the value of that day of the week that I can…
Who verifies the account territory assignment process at the end to finalise it?
Allow Time Ranges shorter than a year to be created
Time ranges are a useful feature in Anaplan which can often help to reduce sparsity by allowing modellers to create modules just covering the time ranges needed. However, they are currently limited to being a minimum of 1 year long. We are seeing customer use cases which could benefit from being able to have much more…
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV01 Inventory ordering Boolean line items
Hello guys, I've noticed that my Boolean line items have stopped functioning somehow. It was okay when I first created them and stopped working when I added DCA. I checked the formulas and write accesses but they seem fine.... Any ideas?
Would be glad knowing the core and crucial similarities and differences b/w the old and new user UX from the gained Anaplaners.
change of source model in target model
i am trying to change my source model in target model from actions but getting an error of An import data source ("model/module name") already exists for this object, whereas the saved view used for this action has not been used anywhere else. Can anyone please help
Show a name different then line item
Hi in a application, how do i change the name of an line item? Thanks