If I don't mark a list as Production List, what will happen? Since I don't modify my list often.
As I read, if I mark a list as Production List. I can make changes to it, even in Deployed mode. What type of changes? Properties, Subsets, Code?
Importing data Module-to Module
I’m trying to put Lookup and SUM function but every time it says ‘The formula is invalid’ and it doesn’t exactly tell what is the problem. I want to import data in Module F from Module A and Module B. I tried to use below formula for importing Module A data to Module F as they both have same dimension so i thought it would…
Using Mulesoft for integration
Hi all, Question if anybody uses Mulesoft for integration with Anaplan. Is it possible to trigger Mulesoft action, that basically starts import ore export in Anaplan with https:// link? The reason is to have ability to start loading porcess directly from Anaplan dashboard
Formulas Text
I want to write Sweet for all taste. Please tell me, how can I do it?
Help Post ---- Import Parent Level data
Dear Friends, I am in urgent need, to find the Parent level total in a different module. But I am unable to do so. SUM, LOOKUP didn't work mentioning issues. Kindly help me, I am in really dire need.
Hierachy Import
I have lists with 6 levels of hierarchy. I want to pull data for level 3 from the highlighted module. Is it possible not by using parent function but by simple import to pull the data. What I was thinking, I pull the data for L1 and then use parent and item function. In that case, friends suggest me, what will be the…
ALM synchronization
Does ALM synchronize Dev Data with Production Data and vice-versa? Even though they are in different environment? Please respond friends, as I am new to this.
Create non-numbered composite hierarchy with List Import where parents and children have same names
Hi Anaplanners, I am struggling with creating a non-numbered list composite hierarchy through List Import. As described in the attached file, a list I am trying to create include a child whose parent has the same name. I could create such a list manually but it failed when I try to create this list via List import from the…
Production List
Please tell me friends, if I mark a list as a Production List, then will it be visible to end-user? And how can the end-user update that list? By clicking insert as we do from development? Or we have to create action button for this?
Fix Import Dialogue on Ultra Wide Resolutions
Please can the import dialogue be fixed on ultra wide resolutions? Everytime I import, I have to resize my window so that I can see all of the dialogue options, screenshot attached. Typically the Run Import and OK buttons are missing. Thanks!
Selective Import
In Anaplan we have. Now we want to maintain monthly data appending. This works fine. Next I find the old actual data for some records was incorrectly entered. I update it in the Hub but it doesn't get reflected in automatic process, as it takes the old values. I don't want to select the other option as my old data might…
Anaplan error 404 when importing to Anaplan
Hello, I have error when importing data to Anaplan using new CA certificate and version 1.4.1. This command working in Anaplan connect java -d64 -Xmx48m -Dhttps.proxyHost=XXX -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -jar "XXX\anaplan-connect-1-3-3-3.jar" -c "XXX\xxx.cer" -workspace "XXX" -model "XXX" -file "XXX.txt" -put "XXX.txt"…
Series of Action (Process)
Hi Friends, I want to know, I have 6 Modules. Mod1 data flows to Mod2----> Finally Mod6. Now can I create any Action to automate the full process?
Very urgent ---- Formula assistance needed
Module 1: I have a Transaction List and the Employees responsible for the Sales. Module 2: These are 3 types of Cars of different cities Commission percentage. Module 3: Now the challenge is I have to make a new module with Employee and Commission. But the data should be flowing from Module 1 by ‘Connect to Anaplan Model’.…
'Upload File Not Available' Errors / Default File Setting for Deployed Models
We have occasionally experienced failures in import actions (on deployed models) called via Anaplan Connect with the error ‘Upload file no longer available’. Our understanding is the default file should to be specified as ‘admin’ instead of ‘private’. This setting can’t be changed via API call, so we updated the mappings…
rename the filename of a file before export
Hi Community, I have a module in which I created 2 saved views in order to have 2 different export actions (1 for region A and 1 for region B) . I saved the export definition and used Export name: forecast_A for the first export and forecast_B for the second export. In the actions overview, I see those 2 different export…
Filtering Import
This is my Original Module. Now I want to create a New Module which will have only Orange Data. But I can't use Lookup, as I have restrictions of Formula Linking. Only thing I can do is Import. Is there any way to do it? Need your support.
Data Pulling into Target Module
Hi Friends, I can't populate directly from list but need to populate the values from Module 1. I was trying with LookUp but it throwing error mentioning 'List does not have a built-in top level'. Please help. I am learning on my own and none to ask assistance.
Dashboard for beginners
Hi Friends, I want to learn how to create a filter list item in a Dashboard. Such that if that list item is selected, automatically the associated modules displays only that values. Any link will be helpful.
What is a Source Module?
Hi Friends, Please tell me, when do we need to build a Source Module?
Trouble importing System module to Numbered List
Hi, I'm trying to import a system module containing flat list dimensions (store, product) containing line items that combines store and product code into a combined numbered list that up until now only have stores in it. When running the import I get below failure messages although import was completed: * Another row has…
Ability to reorder multiple list items or reorder a list by its code numerically or alphabetically
Some of the master data lists within our model is based on numerical codes. New list items get added to the list at the bottom and we would have to manually reorder it to the top using the 'Move...' functionality. Using this, we are only able to reorder one list item at a time, which can take a significant amount of time…
Thanks community friends for your kind help. I am stuck in a step. Need your suggestions. I don't want the percentage to add up but remain the same (ie 5%).
Calculation help
Dear Members, I need only these parent values. Which will be the easiest way to do it?
Deployed Mode - Bulk update of Source model name (M-M Import actions)
Hi Team, Current Scenario: In the Deployed Mode, for the Production Data checked Import Actions (Model to Model), we have to manually update the Source Model name one by one. Suggested Change: Select Multiple rows of Import Actions and update the Source Model name at one go for the selected ones. Thanks Sathya
Excel Add-Ins with password protected spreadsheets
Hi, does anyone know if there are any workarounds when using the Excel Add-In, if you want to password protect your spreadsheet? We have an end user who wants to do this, but is getting error messages when the spreadsheet is password protected (fine when he takes the password protection out). Thanks, Andrew.
Efficient way for handling large parent child hierarchies
Hi, I am looking for an efficient way to handle undetermined parent-child hierarchies coming from an ERP system. This is the challenge: I have about 35 local cost center hierarchies from different ERP systems, all with different number of levels, and extracted with parent-child-IDs. How can I bring this efficiently to…
Data Import
Hey when importing data for SYS08 employ i nfo I am unsure as to by employees are being linked to departments any help?
Level 1 Model Building : Question on DATA01 Module
This question concerns part 11 of the Level 1 Model Building in Activity "Create a profit and loss model". I have a big import problem for the P&L+Actuals+&+Budget.csv because beyond the Actual,UK,Utilities line, nothing goes beyond that in the import (i.e. 2/3 of the data is missing in the import). I checked the validity…
SYS06 Data Import
Hey I am trying to complete level one module data importing for product details and am encountering problems. I think it might be size but I don't know where to match. Can someone help? Here are some screenshots.