Being able to copy a cell with lines of text separated by a line break from Anaplan to Excel
Posting on behalf of Thales Example: Car 1 and Car 2 are separated by a line break When copying the above cell to Excel, we get: It creates two cells. To keep the text in one cell, the current workaround is to use a space instead of a line break in Anaplan, but for some users, it is easier to separate two distinct elements…
Add Search Field
Add a search field when setting up an import source from another Anaplan model. Currently, we have to scroll to look for the desired list, module, or saved view.
Option to ignore duplicates during import action
We have import actions to lists where we have and expect duplicates. We receive the ‘Another row has been processed with this key’ error because we are loading list items that already exist. Given the way we are processing the data, this error is unavoidable. Our automation saves all the error logs and due to these…
API usage on Users tab
Description of the enhancement required: 1. API : ability to delete users from a workspace via api. 2. API :ability to create users to a workspace via api. A story for why you want the enhancement: The process of searching for users, clicking their names, and clicking delete is very tedious.
Ability to filter module data for export via the API
Description: Be able to pass filter values to the export view through the REST API. This could be passed in the request body Example of enhancement: Let's say we have a view with data for all our hotels. We'd like to call the rest api to export data for specific hotel. Benefit/impact: We need to run exports through REST…
Block any other transactions being processed between actions in a Process
Description of the enhancement required: We are requesting that Anaplan implement changes so that, when a process with multiple actions is run, no updates (manual data updates or configuration updates) are allowed to occur in between each action's running. This means that the process should be treated as a global action…
Ability to include a timestamp on exported XLS files
Description of the enhancement required: Date Time Stamp as data field in the exported file (accurate to DDMMYYYY HHMMSS) An example of the enhancement: Formula which captures the current system time at time of export would be highly appreciated. How would it help the business process: The customer server would be able to…
Ability to automate exports to PDF
As a model builder I want specific export to PDF to be saved in the list of exports so that a process can be created to group them together and run specific export to PDFs from dashboards in one go. I will know this is successful when I will be able to create a process and group a series of PDF exports together, which can…
See mappings for file imports
Hello, I constantly run into the same issue and I'm hoping that someone can help suggest a solution. When I create an action that imports from a csv file into a list or module, I always find it difficult to re-open up that import action and revise (or just view) the mapping that was previously created. Instead, I have to…
Model ID to display in Imports tab
It would be good to see model ID as a column in Actions->imports tab somewhere near Source Label & Source Object. I faced a specific issue when the model has a lot of imports, which were developed during a long period, and during this period, the source model was several times moved/renamed. Then it is nearly impossible to…
Line Item Data Connections
If a line item name changes in the source, keep the mapping in actions so that it pulls from the new line item name automatically.
Ability to import from subsidiary view with one dimension or from module without dimensions
Description: Being an Anaplan Builder, I would like to be able to perform imports from subsidiary view with one dimension and from modules without dimensions. Example of Enhancement: Working with different models, it is sometimes required to perform and import from line item without dimensions or with only one, but being…
Export module with comma as decimal separator
Requesting an enhancement to be able to export to file with comma's as the decimal delimiter. At the minute the export is not using the Number format options of the line items. So if I set my line item format to have Comma as the decimal separator, the export ignores it. If there's an Import option to do this, shouldn't…
New UX needs to have a multi-lingual user interface to allow non-english language implementations
Hi Anaplan, The New UX does not currently support a multi-lingual interface. Many of our clients are asking for this to be implemented. It would be really beneficial for many Anaplan Users across the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, South America) for the new UX and UI to support a multi-lingual interface. Great idea suggested…
Bulk Copy - Scheduling
We all know how useful Bulk Copy is - When the data across the model needs to be moved from one version to another or from one list item to another list item Bulk Copy plays the pivotal role. WS admin has to perform this task manually all the time as per the need. Can we have an action created when WS Admin runs the Bulk…
Update Target Object of Import Actions
Hi, It would be nice to have the ability to update the Target Object of and Import Action to a module or list with similar/identical definitions vs creating new actions from scratch. We have come across instances when building out a model we determine that an already created Import Action needs to have the source data…
Add the ability to make external REST API calls from within Anaplan
We should be able to trigger external APIs from Anaplan models so that we can build integrations between Anaplan and other systems and allow the Anaplan users to trigger them when they know the data is ready.
Excel Add-in Data sync to generate Log in Anaplan History
Anaplan to generate detailed log of Excel add-in sync in history. A cell level change log as we see for any Anaplan cell in any of the modules.Ex: 1. Value of one cell in excel add-in got change from 1000 to 80. 2. We do refresh and sync data. 3. Anaplan generates a log in history for this line item value against that cell…
Information for Line Item Referenced By Actions
It will be helpful to have information for any line items that are used or mapped in actions either in list or line items mapping tabs. This will prevent deleting them accidentally when performing a model cleanup
Deployed Mode - Bulk update of Source model name (M-M Import actions)
Hi Team, Current Scenario: In the Deployed Mode, for the Production Data checked Import Actions (Model to Model), we have to manually update the Source Model name one by one. Suggested Change: Select Multiple rows of Import Actions and update the Source Model name at one go for the selected ones. Thanks Sathya